Medication Safety Issues
OxyBUTYnin may be confused with oxyCODONE, OxyCONTIN, oxyMORphone
Ditropan may be confused with Detrol, diazePAM, Diprivan, dithranol
Beers Criteria: Oxybutynin is identified in the Beers Criteria as a potentially inappropriate medication in patients 65 years and older due to its strong anticholinergic properties (Beers Criteria [AGS 2023]).
Oxybutynin is identified in the Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions (STOPP) criteria as a potentially inappropriate medication in older adults (≥65 years of age) for lower urinary tract symptoms in male patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and postvoid residual volume >200 mL. In addition, some disease states of concern include chronic cognitive impairment, delirium, dementia, narrow-angle glaucoma, and chronic constipation (O’Mahony 2023).
Transdermal patch may contain conducting metal (eg, aluminum); remove patch prior to MRI.