Trichotillomania is a relatively common cause of childhood alopecia. We report our observations of 10 children with trichotillomania seen over a 2-year period at Texas Children's Hospital. Patient ages ranged from 9 to 14 years (mean: 11.3 years) with an equal gender ratio. The duration of hair-pulling ranged from 1 month to 10 years (median: 4.6 months). The scalp alone was affected in 8 cases, the scalp and eyelashes in 1 case, and the eyelashes alone in 1 case. The frontal scalp and vertex were the most common sites affected. Associated findings included nail-biting in 2 cases, “picking” of the skin in 1 case, and headaches in another case. Noted precipitating factors in 3 patients included “stress” at home and school. Associated psychopathology included major depression in 1 case, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 1 case, and an “anxious and nervous personality” in 1 case. The most important differential diagnosis to exclude from trichotillomania is alopecia areata, which was seen concomitantly in 1 patient and preceded the onset of hair-pulling by 11 months. Eight patients were referred to a child psychologist for additional management, of which 2 were subsequently treated with antidepressant medication. Trichotillomania is a disorder of multifaceted pathology, and an interdisciplinary approach to management is often helpful. The common prepubertal age of onset provides an important opportunity for the pediatrician to lend support to affected patients and their families.
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May 01 2004
Trichotillomania in Childhood: Case Series and Review
Yong-Kwang Tay, MD;
Yong-Kwang Tay, MD
*Department of Dermatology, Changi General Hospital, Singapore
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Moise L. Levy, MD;
Moise L. Levy, MD
§Departments of Dermatology
‡Pediatrics, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas
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Denise W. Metry, MD
Denise W. Metry, MD
§Departments of Dermatology
‡Pediatrics, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas
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Address correspondence to Denise W. Metry, MD, Department of Dermatology, Texas Children's Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, 6621 Fannin St, CC 620.16, Houston, TX 77030-2399. E-mail: [email protected]
Pediatrics (2004) 113 (5): e494–e498.
Article history
May 23 2003
December 16 2003
Yong-Kwang Tay, Moise L. Levy, Denise W. Metry; Trichotillomania in Childhood: Case Series and Review. Pediatrics May 2004; 113 (5): e494–e498. 10.1542/peds.113.5.e494
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