For Your Benefit
An error occurred in this article by Hutchinson et al, titled “School-age Outcomes of Extremely Preterm or Extremely Low Birth Weight Children” published in the April 2013 issue of Pediatrics (2013;131[4]: e1053–e1061; originally published online March 18, 2013; doi:10.1542/peds.2012-2311). On page e1053, under Abstract, on line 5 and 6 of the Methods paragraph, this reads: “A term/normal birth weight (T/NBW) cohort was recruited comprising 199 infants with birth weights <2500 g or gestational age <37 weeks.” This should have read: “A term/normal birth weight (T/NBW) cohort was recruited comprising 199 infants with birth weights ≥2500 g or gestational age ≥37 weeks.”
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