Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are chronic conditions requiring health care, education, social and community services, addressing prevention, treatment, and management. This review aimed to summarize and synthesize the available evidence on interventions from systematic reviews of high-burden NCDs and risk factors among school-aged children.
The following databases were used for this research: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library, and the Campbell library. The search dates were from 2000 to 2021. We included systematic reviews that synthesized studies to evaluate intervention effectiveness in children aged 5 to 19 years globally. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed methodological quality of included reviews using the AMSTAR 2 tool.
Fifty studies were included. Asthma had the highest number of eligible reviews (n = 19). Of the reviews reporting the delivery platform, 27% (n = 16) reported outpatient settings, 13% (n = 8) home and community-based respectively, and 8% (n = 5) school-based platforms. Included reviews primarily (69%) reported high-income country data. This may limit the results’ generalizability for school-aged children and adolescents in low- and middle- income countries.
School-aged children and adolescents affected by NCDs require access to quality care, treatment, and support to effectively manage their diseases into adulthood. Strengthening research and the capacity of countries, especially low- and middle- income countries, for early screening, risk education and management of disease are crucial for NCD prevention and control.
The global burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is a growing concern. Resulting from a combination of genetic, physiologic, environmental, and behavioral factors, these diseases present a significant burden on individuals, communities, and economic resources, and contribute to premature mortality. Recognizing that not all noncommunicable diseases are classified as chronic conditions, we aim to focus on a subset of chronic NCDs impacting children and adolescents under 19 years of age. Noncommunicable diseases kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally.1 On a global scale, NCDs cause 24.8% of disability-adjusted life years and 14.6% of deaths among children and adolescents.2 Eighty percent of NCD-related deaths occur in low -and middle-income countries (LMICs), and young people under the age of 20 (0–19 years) account for more than one-third of the world’s population,3 with 40% of children aged 5 to 14 living in India, China, Brazil and Mexico.4 NCDs disproportionately impact individuals with low socioeconomic status and are an important cause of medical impoverishment.5–7
Evidence suggests that a significant number of the risk factors for NCDs during adulthood can be mitigated with appropriate approaches across the life cycle, including preconception, pregnancy, parenting, childhood, and adolescence.8 Although NCDs have major impacts on global mortality and morbidity in adulthood, they also have significant impact on children and adolescents.9 A life course approach to preventive efforts addressing NCDs and their risk factors during childhood and adolescence may be more cost-effective and the best option for reducing the long-term global burden of disease.10
Children affected by NCDs often face lifelong challenges in managing and treating their conditions. Chronic health conditions in children are multifaceted and involve ongoing care from their families, schools, and communities. Primary prevention prioritizing targeted health-promotion campaigns addressing risk factors, prevention, and management of NCDs for youth and families in schools and communities are instrumental in managing chronic illness. Cardiovascular disease accounts for 17.9 million NCD-related deaths annually, followed by 9.3 million from cancer, 4.1 million due to respiratory disease, and 1.5 million from diabetes.1 Eighty percent of premature NCD-related deaths are caused from just these 4 groups of diseases. Given the high burden of NCDs in adulthood, it is vital to start addressing and managing these conditions during childhood and adolescence.
A recent systematic review assessed the impact of dietary interventions, physical activity, and behavioral activity in preventing and managing childhood and adolescent obesity in HIC and LMICs.11 The authors found the existing evidence favored a combination of interventions, such as diet along with exercise and exercise along with behavioral therapy, for obesity prevention. They also noted a significant gap in obesity prevention and management studies from LMICs. Previous reviews have focused on NCDs in adults, and very little evidence synthesis has been conducted in regard to the interventions that start during early childhood, adolescence, and continue during adulthood. NCDs have significant impact on children and adolescents across the life-course. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by one-third through prevention and treatment (Sustainable Development Goals target 3.4).12 Understanding NCD management interventions and the gaps that exist globally are essential to achieving this target. The Lancet Non communicable Diseases and Injuries Poverty Commission analyzed the pattern of the poverty-related NCDI burden, and identified priority interventions to address these NCDs and injuries.13 The 2019 global burden of diseases and injuries study provides comprehensive data on causes of death, diseases, injuries, and risk factors affecting the world’s population.14,15 Among children aged 5 to 14 years old globally, the leading causes of years of life lost due to NCDs are congenital heart disease, malignant neoplasms, brain cancer, acute lymphoid leukemia, cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases, idiopathic epilepsy and sickle cell disease. Years lost due to disability among children aged 5 to 14 include, migraine, asthma, atopic dermatitis, low back pain, hearing loss, idiopathic epilepsy, and endocrine, metabolic, blood, and immune disorders. In this review we highlight several of these top priority NCDs that are high-risk for severe complications and amenable to interventions during childhood and adolescence.
This review is part of a series of systematic reviews focused on the spectrum of health conditions and interventions targeted toward school-aged children; here we specifically focused on interventions addressing a selected set of high burden neglected NCDs not covered in the other papers that make up this supplement (Table 1). The term “neglected” in this context refers to disorders in various settings, particularly in LMICs where the research and implementation of programs targeted at these conditions are limited. We sought to cover a wide range of conditions and interventions that fall within this category, including asthma, epilepsy, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, sickle cell disease, type 1 diabetes, and childhood cancers, as well as interventions targeting indoor air pollution, outdoor air pollution, and other environmental contaminants (Supplemental Information). It is well understood that this list does not capture the full extent of conditions or risk factors impacting our age group of interest. Given the scope of the subject matter and the existing systematic reviews on these topics, we conducted a systematic review of systematic reviews to synthesize all of the currently available evidence to better understand and answer the questions: (1) what NCD interventions are currently being delivered to school-aged children? and (2) how effective are these interventions?
List of Key Interventions Included in Review
Key Interventions . | Health Promotion . | Prevention . | Chronic Care . |
Mass awareness, and interventions for air pollution and environmental contaminants (eg, smoking cessation, improved stoves) | √ | — | — |
National awareness campaigns and education on early warning signs and symptoms of cancer | √ | — | — |
Training programs for health care providers for early detection of cancer | √ | — | — |
Treatment of acute pharyngitis in children to prevent rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease | — | √ | — |
Educational programs to reduce asthma exacerbations and hospitalizations | — | √ | — |
Educational programs to reduce sickle cell crisis (eg, vaso-occlusive crises) | — | √ | — |
Management of epilepsy, including acute stabilization and long-term management with antiepileptics | — | — | √ |
Management of acute exacerbations of asthma, using systemic steroids, inhaled β-agonists, and, if indicated, oral antibiotics and oxygen therapy | — | — | √ |
Management of sickle cell, and standard prophylaxis against bacterial infections and malaria | — | — | √ |
Management of type 1 diabetes, including glycemic control | — | — | √ |
Key Interventions . | Health Promotion . | Prevention . | Chronic Care . |
Mass awareness, and interventions for air pollution and environmental contaminants (eg, smoking cessation, improved stoves) | √ | — | — |
National awareness campaigns and education on early warning signs and symptoms of cancer | √ | — | — |
Training programs for health care providers for early detection of cancer | √ | — | — |
Treatment of acute pharyngitis in children to prevent rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease | — | √ | — |
Educational programs to reduce asthma exacerbations and hospitalizations | — | √ | — |
Educational programs to reduce sickle cell crisis (eg, vaso-occlusive crises) | — | √ | — |
Management of epilepsy, including acute stabilization and long-term management with antiepileptics | — | — | √ |
Management of acute exacerbations of asthma, using systemic steroids, inhaled β-agonists, and, if indicated, oral antibiotics and oxygen therapy | — | — | √ |
Management of sickle cell, and standard prophylaxis against bacterial infections and malaria | — | — | √ |
Management of type 1 diabetes, including glycemic control | — | — | √ |
—, not applicable.
Literature Search
A systematic search for literature published from January 1, 2000 to March 28, 2021 was conducted in Medline, Embase, Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews, and the Campbell library using medical subject heading terms and keywords. An individualized search was run for each condition of interest using condition-specific terms, such as “asthma,” “anti-asthmatic agents,” and “bronchial hyperactivity;” and population related words, such as “children,” “adolescents,” and “school-age;” and intervention related words such as “program, education,” “treatment,” “therapeutics,” etc. The complete search syntax used for the Medline database is included in Supplemental Information. This systematic review has been designed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols and registered within the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO # CRD42020219910).16
Eligibility Criteria
Systematic reviews that met the eligibility criteria were those reporting pooled effect estimates on interventions delivered to children aged 5 to 14.9 years in high-income (HIC) and low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) for the following chronic disorders: asthma, epilepsy, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, sickle cell disease, type 1 diabetes, and childhood cancers. The primary setting of interest was LMICs, though we recognized that data are limited in these settings. As such, we sought to include relevant evidence from HICs. This approach is consistent with prior reviews of evidence in emerging areas, such as adolescent health. Interventions targeted at reducing exposure to environmental toxins that addressed one of following: indoor air pollution, outdoor air pollution, or other environmental contaminants targeted at care givers and parents were also included. Eligible interventions targeted either (1) health promotion, (2) prevention, (3) chronic care, (4) curative treatment and key outcomes of interest that were related to child development, morbidity, and mortality. While our primary focus is on late childhood and school age (5–9.9 years) and early adolescence (10–14.9 years), we included reviews that reported on interventions delivered to children and adolescents between the ages 5 and 19 if most of the sample fell within our target age range. Included systematic reviews used comparison arms that were either standard arm or usual care, placebo, or no intervention controls. Reviews of drug trials comparing the efficacy of, and/or side effects of 2 different but similar class of drugs for the purpose of promoting 1 medication over the other were excluded.
Data Extraction and Analysis
All identified indexed records were downloaded into EndNote software and duplicates were removed. Titles and abstracts were screened for relevance by a single reviewer, and all full text of potentially relevant publications were then screened in duplicate with reasons for exclusion noted at this stage. Data and information from publications that met the inclusion criteria were extracted in duplicate into a standardized form. Key variables regarding authors, publication year, setting, target population, study design, intervention descriptions, and pooled estimates (eg, risk ratios [RR], odds ratios [OR], and mean differences [MD]) from meta-analyses were extracted by 2 reviewers. The extracted data were compared, and any inconsistencies were resolved through discussion or by a third reviewer if needed. The quality of the systematic reviews was evaluated with a tool for the assessment of multiple systematic reviews (AMSTAR 2).17
The initial electronic search yielded 19 015 citations from indexed databases, with most being excluded after title and abstract screening as they did not meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the PRISMA flow diagram (Supplemental Information). Of the 865 potentially relevant full texts assessed, 50 were identified as eligible for this review.18–65 Two of the systematic reviews included duplicate data (ie, analysis from the same set of studies that 2 other systematic reviews included).29 Since these reviews met our inclusion criteria, we considered them as part of our total count of included reviews, however since the data are already presented from the formerly extracted reviews, we did not present the duplicated data. The characteristics of all included systematic reviews are summarized in Table 3.
Though we did not limit our results by geographical location, our focus was on collating evidence from LMIC settings, however only 12.5% (n = 6) of included reviews reported on evidence exclusively from LMIC. Most reviews, 69% (n = 33), reported on evidence from studies mainly conducted in HIC settings, and 19% (n = 9) of reviews did not report the geographical location of included studies.
Interventions were categorized into the following 3 groups: (1) health promotion, which included programs targeted at improving indoor and outdoor air pollution and reducing exposure to environmental contaminants; (2) prevention, which included treatment of acute pharyngitis to prevent rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, educational programs for self-management of asthma to reduce exacerbations, and hospitalizations; and (3) chronic care, which is the management of asthma, epilepsy, RHD, sickle cell, and type 1 diabetes.
We broadly categorized interventions into those delivered through community-based, school-based, home-based, and hospital-based and outpatient- based platforms. Overall, a significant portion of reviews did not report the delivery platform, of those that reported, 27% (n = 16) reported outpatient settings, 13% (n = 8) home-based, 15% (n = 9) hospital-based, 13% (n = 8) community-based, and 8% (n = 5) in school-based platforms.
Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by bronchoconstriction, inflammation, and hypersecretion causing limitations in airflow and is one of the most common chronic conditions among children. Managing asthma includes adequate self-management, education regarding treatment and triggers to avoid, and how to manage symptoms.34 We included 19 systemic reviews of asthma interventions.
Chronic Care
Interventions included education that addressed self-management, relaxation therapy, and massage therapy; the reported outcomes were pulmonary function (Supplemental Information), frequency of emergency department visits, and hospitalizations.
A recent systematic review looked at comprehensive community-based interventions with 2 or more components for improving asthma outcomes in children. A wide variety of interventions were included in this review, such as community involvement (eg, awareness campaigns, neighborhood support, etc), asthma self-management education, and home environmental assessment (ie, home visits for trigger assessments with or without remediation supplies). All of the studies included were conducted in the United States, aside from 1 in Australia. The authors found that multicomponent asthma programs were associated with significant reductions in asthma-related emergency department visits (OR, 0.26, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.20 to 0.35), and hospitalizations (OR 0.24, 95% CI, 0.15 to 0.38) (Table 2).18 Another targeted systematic review on school-based self-management interventions for asthma showed improvement in outcomes, such as frequency of hospitalizations with a standard mean difference (SMD) and 95% CI of −0.19, (−0.35 to −0.04), and a reduction in the frequency of emergency department visits (OR 0.70, 95% CI, 0.53 to 0.92).30
Effect Estimates From Systematic Reviews
Domain . | Authors, year . | Intervention . | Comparator . | Number of Participants . | Outcome . | Measure . | Effect estimate (95% CI) . |
Asthma | |||||||
Zhong et al, 201727 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Alternate education or no education | 1937 | Quality of life | MD | 0.70 (−0.29 to 1.6) | |
Zhong et al, 201727 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Alternate education or no education | 1938 | Pulmonary function | MD | −1.36 (−9.98 to 7.26) | |
Yorke et al, 200725 | Relaxation therapy | Control | 56 | Pulmonary function | MD | 31.7 (13.1 to 50.3) | |
Xu et al, 201624 | Massage therapy | Control | 204 | Pulmonary function | MD | 0.04 (−0.15 to 0.24) | |
Xu et al, 201624 | Massage therapy | Control | 204 | Pulmonary function- FEV1 | MD | 0.07 (0.01 to 0.13) | |
Xu et al, 201624 | Massage therapy | Control | 204 | Pulmonary function FEV1 or FVC | MD | 0.06 (0.01 to 0.12) | |
Wu et al, 201723 | Massage therapy | Control | NR | Effect on basic treatment | RR | 1.19 (1.13 to 1.24) | |
Wu et al, 201723 | Massage therapy | Control | NR | Pulmonary function | SMD | 0.83 (0.58 to 1.08) | |
Su et al, 201822 | IV magnesium sulfate | Control | 258 | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | RR | 0.55 (0.31 to 0.95) | |
Su et al, 201822 | IV magnesium sulfate | Control | 128 | Pulmonary function | MD | 1.94 (0.80 to 3.08) | |
Rodrigo et al, 201721 | Tiotropium | Placebo | 1002 | Pulmonary function-FEV1 | MD | 101.90 (66.16 to 137.64) | |
Rodrigo et al, 201721 | Tiotropium | Placebo | 1003 | FEV1 measured at end of dose | MD | 81.71 (42.64 to 120.79) | |
Rodrigo et al, 201520 | Omalizumab | Placebo | 1312 | Asthma exacerbations | MD | −0.35 (−0.59 to - −0.12) | |
Rodrigo et al, 200536 | Anticholinergic agents | b2 agonists alone | 1786 | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | RR | 0.73 (0.63 to 0.85) | |
Riverin et al, 201535 | Vitamin D supplemen tation | Active control or placebo | 378 | Asthma exacerbations | RR | 0.41 (0.27 to 0.63) | |
Mohammed et al, 200733 | IV magnesium sulfate | Placebo or saline solution | 128 | Pulmonary function | SMD | 1.94 (0.80 to 3.08) | |
Mikailov et al, 201332 | Adjunctive macrolide use | Placebo | NR | Pulmonary function-FEV1 | SMD | 0.25 (−0.37 to 0.86) | |
Mikailov et al, 201332 | Adjunctive macrolide use among children receiving daily oral cortico steroids | Placebo | NR | Pulmonary function-FEV1 | SMD | 3.89 (−0.01 to 7.79) | |
Mikailov et al, 201332 | Adjunctive macrolide use | Placebo | NR | Decrease in daily corticosteroid dosage | SMD | −3.45 (−5.79 to −1.09) | |
Lin et al, 201831 | Probiotics | Placebo | 215 | Asthma exacerbations | RR | 1.30 (1.06 to 1.59) | |
Lin et al, 201831 | Probiotics | Placebo | 221 | Symptom free days | MD | 8.47 (−4.80 to 21.75) | |
Kneale et al, 201930 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Control | 3833 | Frequency of emergency department visits | OR | 0.70 (0.53 to 0.92) | |
Kneale et al, 201930 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Control | 1873 | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | SMD | −0.19 (−0.35 to −0.04) | |
Guevara et al, 200328 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Control | 258 | Pulmonary function | SMD | 0.50 (0.25 to 0.75) | |
Guevara et al, 200328 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Control | 1114 | Frequency of emergency department visits | SMD | −0.21 (−0.33 to −0.09) | |
Fares et al, 201519 | Vitamin D supplemen tation | No vitamin D supplementation or placebo | 82 | Pulmonary function-FEV1 | MD | 0.54 (−5.28 to 4.19) | |
Zhang et al, 202026 | Physical therapy | Control | 201 | FVC | MD | 4.56 (1.33 to 7.79) | |
Zhang et al, 202026 | Physical therapy | Control | 433 | FEV1 | MD | 1.77 (−0.76 to 4.30) | |
Zhang et al, 202026 | Physical therapy | Control | 103 | PEF | MD | 0.87 (−5.24 to 6.97) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | 6611 | Asthma-related emergency department visits | OR | 0.26 (0.20 to 0.35) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | 7239 | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | OR | 0.24 (0.15 to 0.38) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | 2179 | Days with asthma symptoms | MD | −2.58 (−3.00 to −2.17) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | 3181 | Nights with asthma symptoms | MD | −2.14 (−-2.94 to −1.34) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | N = 2164 | Short-acting asthma medication and bronchodilator use | MD | 0.28 (0.16 to 0.51) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | N = 3961 | Asthma action plan uses | MD | 8.87 (3.85 to 20.45) | |
Epilepsy | |||||||
Rezaei et al, 201758 | Classic KD at month 6 | NR | NR | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Pooled efficacy rate | 0.60 (0.55 to 0.65) | |
Rezaei et al, 201758 | Classic KD at mo 7 | NR | NR | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Pooled efficacy rate | 0.52 (0.46 to 0.57) | |
Rezaei et al, 201758 | MAD at mo 3 | NR | NR | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Pooled efficacy rate | 0.47 (0.40 to 0.55) | |
Rezaei et al, 201758 | MAD at mo 6 | NR | NR | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Pooled efficacy rate | 0.42 (−0.35 to 0.50) | |
Lefevre et al, 200057 | Ketogenic diet | None | NR | The combined point estimate for the outcome of percentage of patients who became seizure-free | % | 14.9 (7.0 to 24.8) | |
Lefevre et al, 200057 | Ketogenic diet | None | NR | Percentage of patients with a greater than 90% reduction in seizures | % | 27.6 (19.9 to 36.5) | |
Lefevre et al, 200057 | Ketogenic diet | None | NR | Percentage of patients with a greater than 50% reduction in seizures | % | 44.6 (33.8 to 55.9) | |
Keene et al, 200656 | Ketogenic diet | None | 972 | Patients had become seizure-free | % | 15.6 (10.4 to 20.8) | |
Keene et al, 200656 | Ketogenic diet | None | 973 | 50% reduction in seizure frequency | % | 33.0 (24.3 to 41.8) | |
Elliott et al, 201955 | Cannabidiol | Placebo | NR | Seizure freedom | RR | 6.77 (0.36 to 128.38) | |
Elliott et al, 201955 | Cannabidiol | Placebo | NR | Median frequency of monthly seizures with cannabidiol compared with placebo | RR | −19.8 (27.0 to −12.6) | |
Cao et al, 201954 | Adjunctive levetiracetam | Placebo | 412 | 50% responder rate | RR | 1.98(1.49 to 2.63) | |
Cao et al, 201954 | Adjunctive levetiracetam | Placebo | 462 | Seizure freedom | RR | 5.12 (2.09 to 12.51) | |
Rheumatic Fever | |||||||
Lennon et al, 200960 | Penicillin | No treatment | 269 | Primary prevention of RF with treatment using penicillin in school- and/or community-based programs | RR | 0.41 (0.23 to 0.70) | |
Altamimi et al, 200959 | Newer antibiotics, short duration (Azithro mycin, Clarithro mycin, Cefuroxime) | Standard treatment of 10 d of Penicillin | 1166 | Late clinical recurrence | OR | 0.95 (0.83 to 1.08) | |
Altamimi et al, 200959 | Newer antibiotics, short duration (Azithro mycin, Clarithro mycin, Cefuroxime) | Standard treatment of 10 d of Penicillin | 1928 | Early bacteriological treatment failure | OR | 1.08 (0.97 to 1.20) | |
Sickle cell disease | |||||||
Asnani et al, 201661 | Psycho-educational intervention | No intervention | 113 | Sickle cell disease knowledge | MD | 1.12 (0.72 to 1.52) | |
Rankine-Mullings and Owusu-Ofori, 201764 | Penicillin prophylaxis | Placebo | 28 | Incidence of pneumococcal infection | OR | 0.37 (0.16 to 0.86) | |
Estcourt et al, 201762 | Long-term transfusions | Standard care | 20 | Incidence of stroke | RR | 0.12 (0.03 to 0.49) | |
Estcourt et al, 201762 | Long-term transfusions | Standard care | 173 | Incidence of other sickle cell disease-related complications (acute chest syndrome) | RR | 0.24 (0.12 to 0.48) | |
Estcourt et al, 201762 | Long-term transfusions | Standard care | 207 | Incidence of vaso-occlusive crises | RR | 0.62 (0.46 to 0.84) | |
Frimpong et al, 201863 | Chemopro phylaxis (Chloroquine, Mefloquine, Mefloquine artesunate, Proguanil, Pyrimetha mine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimetha mine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimetha mine amodiaquine) | Placebo | 912 | Parasitaemia and/or clinical malaria episodes | OR | 0.76 (0.591 to 0.97) | |
Saramba et al, 201965 | Pharmacological analgesic | Placebo | 227 | Change in rate of pain vaso-occlusive crises (as measured by pain scale) | SMD | −0.08 (−0.53 to 0.37) | |
Type 1 Diabetes | |||||||
Winkley et al, 200645 | Psychological intervention | Placebo | 543 | Change in HbA1c (%) | MD | −0.35 (−0.66 to −0.04) | |
MacMillan et al, 201444 | Physical activity and/or sedentary behavior intervention | Usual physical activity or sedentary behavior (ie, sitting time) | 451 | Change in HbA1c (%) | MD | −0.85 (−1.45 to −0.25) | |
Hampson et al, 200142 | Educational and psychosocial interventions | No intervention or usual care | NR | Change in HbA1c (%) | MD | 0.33 (−0.04 to 0.70) | |
Al Khalifah et al, 201639 | Adding metformin | Placebo | 166 | Reduction of HbA1c (%) | MD | −0.05 (−0.19 to 0.29) | |
Al Khalifah et al, 201639 | Adding metformin | Placebo | 159 | Reduced BMI kg/m2 | MD | −1.46 (−2.54 to 0.38) | |
Al Khalifah et al, 201639 | Adding metformin | Placebo | 274 | Diabetes ketoacidosis | RR | 2.07 (0.47 to 9.0) | |
Armour et al, 200440 | Family-directed interventions | No intervention, standard care, or less intensive intervention | NR | Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | Overall pooled effect size | −0.6 (−1.2 to −0.1) | |
Benkhadra et al, 201741 | Real-time continuous glucose monitoring | Control | NR | Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | MD | −0.039 (0.320 to 0.242) | |
Liu et al, 202043 | Structured education | Control | 1621 | Short-term effect on f HbA1c | SMD | −0.04 (− 0.14 to 0.06) | |
Liu et al, 202043 | Structured education | Control | 1554 | medium-term on f HbA1c | SMD | −0.03 (−0.13 to 0.07) | |
Liu et al, 202043 | Structured education | Control | 1073 | long-term effect on HbA1c | SMD | 0.04 (−0.16 to 0.25) | |
Liu et al, 202043 | Structured education | Control | 555 | changes in diabetes self-efficacy | SMD | −0.17 (−0.33 to 0.00) | |
Indoor, outdoor, and environmental contaminants | |||||||
Rosen et al, 201550 | Self-help materials; counseling; phone support; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); biochemical feedback; air cleaner; tobacco smoke air pollution feedback | Usual care and usual care-reduced measurement | 681 | Change in air quality (air nicotine or PM) | SMD | −0.18 (−0.34 to −0.03) | |
Rosen et al, 201550 | Self-help materials; counseling; phone support; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); biochemical feedback; air cleaner; tobacco smoke air pollution feedback | Usual care and usual care-reduced measurement | 421 | Change in air nicotine | SMD | −0.17 (−0.37 to −0.02) | |
Rosen et al, 201550 | Self-help materials; counseling; phone support; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); biochemical feedback; air cleaner; tobacco smoke air pollution feedback | Usual care and usual care-reduced measurement | 340 | Change in PM | SMD | −0.33 (−0.62 to −0.05) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Improvement in personal PM | SMD | 1.18 (1.05 to 1.32) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Improvement in personal PM-in Children | SMD | 1.26 (0.91 to 1.75) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Personal carbon monoxide | SMD | 0.83 (0.68 to 1.00) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Improved kitchen levels of PM | SMD | 1.57 (1.22 to 2.01) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Improved kitchen levels of carbon monoxide | SMD | 1.03 (0.76 to 1.41) | |
Thakur et al, 201853 | Improved biomass cook stoves | Open fire, stone fire, clay stove | 11 560 | Pediatric acute lower respiratory tract infections | RR | 1.02 (0.84 to 1.24) | |
Thakur et al, 201853 | Improved biomass cook stoves | Open fire, stone fire, clay stove | 11 061 | Pediatric severe pneumonia | RR | 0.88 (0.39 to 2.01) | |
Rosen et al, 201251 | Self-help materials, counseling, phone support, medication, biochemical feedback. | Usual care or special to the trial related to smoking cessation, or risk to children from smoking or did not receive any information | 7053 | Parental smoking cessation | RR | 1.34 (1.05 to 1.71) | |
Nussbaumer-Streit et al, 202048 | Educational interventions | No intervention | 815 | Blood lead levels | MD | −0.03 (−0.13 to 0.07) |
Domain . | Authors, year . | Intervention . | Comparator . | Number of Participants . | Outcome . | Measure . | Effect estimate (95% CI) . |
Asthma | |||||||
Zhong et al, 201727 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Alternate education or no education | 1937 | Quality of life | MD | 0.70 (−0.29 to 1.6) | |
Zhong et al, 201727 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Alternate education or no education | 1938 | Pulmonary function | MD | −1.36 (−9.98 to 7.26) | |
Yorke et al, 200725 | Relaxation therapy | Control | 56 | Pulmonary function | MD | 31.7 (13.1 to 50.3) | |
Xu et al, 201624 | Massage therapy | Control | 204 | Pulmonary function | MD | 0.04 (−0.15 to 0.24) | |
Xu et al, 201624 | Massage therapy | Control | 204 | Pulmonary function- FEV1 | MD | 0.07 (0.01 to 0.13) | |
Xu et al, 201624 | Massage therapy | Control | 204 | Pulmonary function FEV1 or FVC | MD | 0.06 (0.01 to 0.12) | |
Wu et al, 201723 | Massage therapy | Control | NR | Effect on basic treatment | RR | 1.19 (1.13 to 1.24) | |
Wu et al, 201723 | Massage therapy | Control | NR | Pulmonary function | SMD | 0.83 (0.58 to 1.08) | |
Su et al, 201822 | IV magnesium sulfate | Control | 258 | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | RR | 0.55 (0.31 to 0.95) | |
Su et al, 201822 | IV magnesium sulfate | Control | 128 | Pulmonary function | MD | 1.94 (0.80 to 3.08) | |
Rodrigo et al, 201721 | Tiotropium | Placebo | 1002 | Pulmonary function-FEV1 | MD | 101.90 (66.16 to 137.64) | |
Rodrigo et al, 201721 | Tiotropium | Placebo | 1003 | FEV1 measured at end of dose | MD | 81.71 (42.64 to 120.79) | |
Rodrigo et al, 201520 | Omalizumab | Placebo | 1312 | Asthma exacerbations | MD | −0.35 (−0.59 to - −0.12) | |
Rodrigo et al, 200536 | Anticholinergic agents | b2 agonists alone | 1786 | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | RR | 0.73 (0.63 to 0.85) | |
Riverin et al, 201535 | Vitamin D supplemen tation | Active control or placebo | 378 | Asthma exacerbations | RR | 0.41 (0.27 to 0.63) | |
Mohammed et al, 200733 | IV magnesium sulfate | Placebo or saline solution | 128 | Pulmonary function | SMD | 1.94 (0.80 to 3.08) | |
Mikailov et al, 201332 | Adjunctive macrolide use | Placebo | NR | Pulmonary function-FEV1 | SMD | 0.25 (−0.37 to 0.86) | |
Mikailov et al, 201332 | Adjunctive macrolide use among children receiving daily oral cortico steroids | Placebo | NR | Pulmonary function-FEV1 | SMD | 3.89 (−0.01 to 7.79) | |
Mikailov et al, 201332 | Adjunctive macrolide use | Placebo | NR | Decrease in daily corticosteroid dosage | SMD | −3.45 (−5.79 to −1.09) | |
Lin et al, 201831 | Probiotics | Placebo | 215 | Asthma exacerbations | RR | 1.30 (1.06 to 1.59) | |
Lin et al, 201831 | Probiotics | Placebo | 221 | Symptom free days | MD | 8.47 (−4.80 to 21.75) | |
Kneale et al, 201930 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Control | 3833 | Frequency of emergency department visits | OR | 0.70 (0.53 to 0.92) | |
Kneale et al, 201930 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Control | 1873 | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | SMD | −0.19 (−0.35 to −0.04) | |
Guevara et al, 200328 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Control | 258 | Pulmonary function | SMD | 0.50 (0.25 to 0.75) | |
Guevara et al, 200328 | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Control | 1114 | Frequency of emergency department visits | SMD | −0.21 (−0.33 to −0.09) | |
Fares et al, 201519 | Vitamin D supplemen tation | No vitamin D supplementation or placebo | 82 | Pulmonary function-FEV1 | MD | 0.54 (−5.28 to 4.19) | |
Zhang et al, 202026 | Physical therapy | Control | 201 | FVC | MD | 4.56 (1.33 to 7.79) | |
Zhang et al, 202026 | Physical therapy | Control | 433 | FEV1 | MD | 1.77 (−0.76 to 4.30) | |
Zhang et al, 202026 | Physical therapy | Control | 103 | PEF | MD | 0.87 (−5.24 to 6.97) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | 6611 | Asthma-related emergency department visits | OR | 0.26 (0.20 to 0.35) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | 7239 | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | OR | 0.24 (0.15 to 0.38) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | 2179 | Days with asthma symptoms | MD | −2.58 (−3.00 to −2.17) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | 3181 | Nights with asthma symptoms | MD | −2.14 (−-2.94 to −1.34) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | N = 2164 | Short-acting asthma medication and bronchodilator use | MD | 0.28 (0.16 to 0.51) | |
Chan et al, 202018 | Community-based intervention | Control | N = 3961 | Asthma action plan uses | MD | 8.87 (3.85 to 20.45) | |
Epilepsy | |||||||
Rezaei et al, 201758 | Classic KD at month 6 | NR | NR | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Pooled efficacy rate | 0.60 (0.55 to 0.65) | |
Rezaei et al, 201758 | Classic KD at mo 7 | NR | NR | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Pooled efficacy rate | 0.52 (0.46 to 0.57) | |
Rezaei et al, 201758 | MAD at mo 3 | NR | NR | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Pooled efficacy rate | 0.47 (0.40 to 0.55) | |
Rezaei et al, 201758 | MAD at mo 6 | NR | NR | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Pooled efficacy rate | 0.42 (−0.35 to 0.50) | |
Lefevre et al, 200057 | Ketogenic diet | None | NR | The combined point estimate for the outcome of percentage of patients who became seizure-free | % | 14.9 (7.0 to 24.8) | |
Lefevre et al, 200057 | Ketogenic diet | None | NR | Percentage of patients with a greater than 90% reduction in seizures | % | 27.6 (19.9 to 36.5) | |
Lefevre et al, 200057 | Ketogenic diet | None | NR | Percentage of patients with a greater than 50% reduction in seizures | % | 44.6 (33.8 to 55.9) | |
Keene et al, 200656 | Ketogenic diet | None | 972 | Patients had become seizure-free | % | 15.6 (10.4 to 20.8) | |
Keene et al, 200656 | Ketogenic diet | None | 973 | 50% reduction in seizure frequency | % | 33.0 (24.3 to 41.8) | |
Elliott et al, 201955 | Cannabidiol | Placebo | NR | Seizure freedom | RR | 6.77 (0.36 to 128.38) | |
Elliott et al, 201955 | Cannabidiol | Placebo | NR | Median frequency of monthly seizures with cannabidiol compared with placebo | RR | −19.8 (27.0 to −12.6) | |
Cao et al, 201954 | Adjunctive levetiracetam | Placebo | 412 | 50% responder rate | RR | 1.98(1.49 to 2.63) | |
Cao et al, 201954 | Adjunctive levetiracetam | Placebo | 462 | Seizure freedom | RR | 5.12 (2.09 to 12.51) | |
Rheumatic Fever | |||||||
Lennon et al, 200960 | Penicillin | No treatment | 269 | Primary prevention of RF with treatment using penicillin in school- and/or community-based programs | RR | 0.41 (0.23 to 0.70) | |
Altamimi et al, 200959 | Newer antibiotics, short duration (Azithro mycin, Clarithro mycin, Cefuroxime) | Standard treatment of 10 d of Penicillin | 1166 | Late clinical recurrence | OR | 0.95 (0.83 to 1.08) | |
Altamimi et al, 200959 | Newer antibiotics, short duration (Azithro mycin, Clarithro mycin, Cefuroxime) | Standard treatment of 10 d of Penicillin | 1928 | Early bacteriological treatment failure | OR | 1.08 (0.97 to 1.20) | |
Sickle cell disease | |||||||
Asnani et al, 201661 | Psycho-educational intervention | No intervention | 113 | Sickle cell disease knowledge | MD | 1.12 (0.72 to 1.52) | |
Rankine-Mullings and Owusu-Ofori, 201764 | Penicillin prophylaxis | Placebo | 28 | Incidence of pneumococcal infection | OR | 0.37 (0.16 to 0.86) | |
Estcourt et al, 201762 | Long-term transfusions | Standard care | 20 | Incidence of stroke | RR | 0.12 (0.03 to 0.49) | |
Estcourt et al, 201762 | Long-term transfusions | Standard care | 173 | Incidence of other sickle cell disease-related complications (acute chest syndrome) | RR | 0.24 (0.12 to 0.48) | |
Estcourt et al, 201762 | Long-term transfusions | Standard care | 207 | Incidence of vaso-occlusive crises | RR | 0.62 (0.46 to 0.84) | |
Frimpong et al, 201863 | Chemopro phylaxis (Chloroquine, Mefloquine, Mefloquine artesunate, Proguanil, Pyrimetha mine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimetha mine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimetha mine amodiaquine) | Placebo | 912 | Parasitaemia and/or clinical malaria episodes | OR | 0.76 (0.591 to 0.97) | |
Saramba et al, 201965 | Pharmacological analgesic | Placebo | 227 | Change in rate of pain vaso-occlusive crises (as measured by pain scale) | SMD | −0.08 (−0.53 to 0.37) | |
Type 1 Diabetes | |||||||
Winkley et al, 200645 | Psychological intervention | Placebo | 543 | Change in HbA1c (%) | MD | −0.35 (−0.66 to −0.04) | |
MacMillan et al, 201444 | Physical activity and/or sedentary behavior intervention | Usual physical activity or sedentary behavior (ie, sitting time) | 451 | Change in HbA1c (%) | MD | −0.85 (−1.45 to −0.25) | |
Hampson et al, 200142 | Educational and psychosocial interventions | No intervention or usual care | NR | Change in HbA1c (%) | MD | 0.33 (−0.04 to 0.70) | |
Al Khalifah et al, 201639 | Adding metformin | Placebo | 166 | Reduction of HbA1c (%) | MD | −0.05 (−0.19 to 0.29) | |
Al Khalifah et al, 201639 | Adding metformin | Placebo | 159 | Reduced BMI kg/m2 | MD | −1.46 (−2.54 to 0.38) | |
Al Khalifah et al, 201639 | Adding metformin | Placebo | 274 | Diabetes ketoacidosis | RR | 2.07 (0.47 to 9.0) | |
Armour et al, 200440 | Family-directed interventions | No intervention, standard care, or less intensive intervention | NR | Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | Overall pooled effect size | −0.6 (−1.2 to −0.1) | |
Benkhadra et al, 201741 | Real-time continuous glucose monitoring | Control | NR | Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | MD | −0.039 (0.320 to 0.242) | |
Liu et al, 202043 | Structured education | Control | 1621 | Short-term effect on f HbA1c | SMD | −0.04 (− 0.14 to 0.06) | |
Liu et al, 202043 | Structured education | Control | 1554 | medium-term on f HbA1c | SMD | −0.03 (−0.13 to 0.07) | |
Liu et al, 202043 | Structured education | Control | 1073 | long-term effect on HbA1c | SMD | 0.04 (−0.16 to 0.25) | |
Liu et al, 202043 | Structured education | Control | 555 | changes in diabetes self-efficacy | SMD | −0.17 (−0.33 to 0.00) | |
Indoor, outdoor, and environmental contaminants | |||||||
Rosen et al, 201550 | Self-help materials; counseling; phone support; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); biochemical feedback; air cleaner; tobacco smoke air pollution feedback | Usual care and usual care-reduced measurement | 681 | Change in air quality (air nicotine or PM) | SMD | −0.18 (−0.34 to −0.03) | |
Rosen et al, 201550 | Self-help materials; counseling; phone support; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); biochemical feedback; air cleaner; tobacco smoke air pollution feedback | Usual care and usual care-reduced measurement | 421 | Change in air nicotine | SMD | −0.17 (−0.37 to −0.02) | |
Rosen et al, 201550 | Self-help materials; counseling; phone support; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); biochemical feedback; air cleaner; tobacco smoke air pollution feedback | Usual care and usual care-reduced measurement | 340 | Change in PM | SMD | −0.33 (−0.62 to −0.05) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Improvement in personal PM | SMD | 1.18 (1.05 to 1.32) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Improvement in personal PM-in Children | SMD | 1.26 (0.91 to 1.75) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Personal carbon monoxide | SMD | 0.83 (0.68 to 1.00) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Improved kitchen levels of PM | SMD | 1.57 (1.22 to 2.01) | |
Quansah et al, 201751 | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Traditional cook stove, open fire, open pits | Household level | Improved kitchen levels of carbon monoxide | SMD | 1.03 (0.76 to 1.41) | |
Thakur et al, 201853 | Improved biomass cook stoves | Open fire, stone fire, clay stove | 11 560 | Pediatric acute lower respiratory tract infections | RR | 1.02 (0.84 to 1.24) | |
Thakur et al, 201853 | Improved biomass cook stoves | Open fire, stone fire, clay stove | 11 061 | Pediatric severe pneumonia | RR | 0.88 (0.39 to 2.01) | |
Rosen et al, 201251 | Self-help materials, counseling, phone support, medication, biochemical feedback. | Usual care or special to the trial related to smoking cessation, or risk to children from smoking or did not receive any information | 7053 | Parental smoking cessation | RR | 1.34 (1.05 to 1.71) | |
Nussbaumer-Streit et al, 202048 | Educational interventions | No intervention | 815 | Blood lead levels | MD | −0.03 (−0.13 to 0.07) |
b2, β 2adrenergic; FEV1, forced expiratory vol in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; KD, ketogenic diet; MAD, modified Atkins diet; MD, mean difference; NR, not reported; OR, odds ratio; PEF, peak expiratory flow; PM, particulate matter; RR, relative risk; SMD, standard mean difference.
Characteristics of Included Systematic Reviews
Domain . | Authors, year . | Region . | Age Range of Participants . | Number of Included Studies . | Platform of Delivery . | Intervention . | Outcomes . | Overall Quality Score AMSTAR (High, Moderate, Low, or Critically Low) . | |||||||
Asthma | |||||||||||||||
Zhong et al, 201727 | HIC | 0–19 y | 4 | School-based, outpatient | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Quality of life, pulmonary function | Moderate | ||||||||
Yorke et al, 200725 | NR | ≤18 y | 12 | Outpatient, home-based | Relaxation therapy | Pulmonary function | Low | ||||||||
Xu et al, 201624 | LMIC | 5–15 y | 3 | Outpatient, home-based | Massage therapy | Pulmonary function | High | ||||||||
Wu et al, 201723 | LMIC | Children | 14 | NR | Massage therapy | Effect on basic treatment, pulmonary function | Low | ||||||||
Su et al, 201822 | HIC, LMIC | 1–18 y | 6 | NR | IV magnesium sulfate | Asthmas-related hospitalizations, pulmonary function | Low | ||||||||
Rodrigo et al, 201721 | NR | 6–11 y | 3 | NR | Tiotropium | Pulmonary function | Moderate | ||||||||
Rodrigo et al, 201520 | NR | 1–20 y | 3 | NR | Omalizumab | Asthma exacerbations | Low | ||||||||
Rodrigo et al, 200536 | HIC, LMIC | 18 mo to 17 y | 32 | Inpatient, outpatient | Anticholinergic agents | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | Low | ||||||||
Riverin et al, 201535 | HIC, LMIC | 5–18 y | 3 | NR | Vitamin D supplementation | Asthma exacerbations | Moderate | ||||||||
Pojsupap et al, 201534 | HIC, LMIC | 5–18 y | 3 | NR | Vitamin D supplementation | Asthma exacerbations | Moderate | ||||||||
Mohammed et al, 200733 | HIC, LMIC | 1–18 y | 24 | NR | IV magnesium sulfate | Pulmonary function | Low | ||||||||
Mikailov et al, 201332 | HIC | 2–18 y | 12 | NR | Adjunctive macrolide use | Pulmonary function, decrease in daily corticosteroid dosage | Low | ||||||||
Lin et al, 201831 | HIC | 5–16 y | 11 | NR | Probiotics | Asthma exacerbations, symptom free days | Moderate | ||||||||
Kneale et al, 201930 | Majority HIC | 5–18 y | 34 | School-based | Educational intervention: self-management techniques | Frequency of emergency department visits, asthma-related hospitalizations | High | ||||||||
Harris et al, 201929 | Majority HIC | 5–18 y | 34 | School-based | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Frequency of emergency department visits, asthma-related hospitalizations | High | ||||||||
Guevara et al, 200328 | NR | 2–18 y | 32 | NR | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Pulmonary function, frequency of emergency department visits | High | ||||||||
Fares et al, 201519 | NR | ≤ 18 y | 4 | Outpatient | Vitamin D supplementation | Pulmonary function | Moderate | ||||||||
Zhang et al, 202026 | Majority HIC | ≤18 y | 11 | NR | Physical therapy | Pulmonary function | High | ||||||||
Chan et al, 202018 | HIC | 0–18 y | 21 | Community | Community-based intervention | Asthma-related emergency department visits, asthma-related hospitalizations, days and nights with asthma symptoms short-acting asthma medication and bronchodilator use, asthma action plan uses | High | ||||||||
Rheumatic fever | |||||||||||||||
Lennon et al, 200960 | HIC, LMICs | 5–18 y | 6 | School-based, community-based | Penicillin | Primary prevention of RF with treatment using penicillin in school- and/or community-based programs | Low | ||||||||
Altamimi et al, 200959 | HIC | 1–18 y | 20 | Inpatient, outpatient | Newer antibiotics, short duration (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Cefuroxime) | Late clinical recurrence, early bacteriological treatment failure | High | ||||||||
Sickle cell disease | |||||||||||||||
Asnani et al, 201661 | Majority HIC | 6–18 y | 12 | School-based, outpatient, home | Psycho-educational intervention | Sickle cell disease knowledge | High | ||||||||
Rankine-Mullings and Owusu-Ofori, 201764 | Majority HIC | ≤16 y | 2 | Outpatient | Penicillin prophylaxis | Incidence of pneumococcal infection | High | ||||||||
Estcourt et al, 201762 | HIC | 2–20 y | 3 | Inpatient, outpatient | Long-term transfusions | Incidence of stroke, incidence of other sickle cell disease-related complications (acute chest syndrome), incidence of vaso-occlusive crises | High | ||||||||
Frimpong et al, 201863 | LMIC | Children | 6 | Inpatient, outpatient | Chemoprophylaxis (Chloroquine, Mefloquine, Mefloquine artesunate, Proguanil, Pyrimethamine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine amodiaquine) | Parasitaemia and/or clinical malaria episodes | Moderate | ||||||||
Saramba et al, 201965 | HIC | 3–21 y | 4 | Inpatient | Pharmacological analgesic | Change in rate of pain vaso-occlusive crises (as measured by pain scale) | Low | ||||||||
Type 1 diabetes mellitus | |||||||||||||||
Winkley et al, 200645 | HIC | Children and adolescents | 10 | Community-based | Psychological intervention | Change in HbA1c (%) | Low | ||||||||
MacMillan et al, 201444 | HIC, LMIC | 5–19 y | 10 | Outpatient | Physical activity and/or sedentary behavior intervention | Change in HbA1c (%) | Moderate | ||||||||
Hampson et al, 200142 | Majority HIC | 9–21 y | 14 | Outpatient, inpatient, community-based, home | Educational and psychosocial interventions | Change in HbA1c (%) | Moderate | ||||||||
Al Khalifah et al, 201639 | HIC | 6–19 y | 4 | NR | Adding metformin | Reduction of HbA1c (%), reduced BMI kg/m2, diabetes ketoacidosis | Moderate | ||||||||
Armour et al, 200440 | HIC | <18 y | 8 | Inpatient, outpatient, community-based | Family-directed interventions | Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | Low | ||||||||
Liu et al, 202043 | HIC, LMIC | 8–18 y | 12 | NR | Real-time continuous glucose monitoring | Short-term, medium-term, and long-term effect on HbA1c, Changes in diabetes self-efficacy | Moderate | ||||||||
Benkhadra et al, 201741 | HIC | 13–15 y | 7 | Outpatient | Structured education | Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | Low | ||||||||
Epilepsy | |||||||||||||||
Rezaei et al, 201758 | HIC, LMIC | Children | 60 | NR | Ketogenic diet and modified Atkins diet | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Critically low | ||||||||
Lefevre et al, 200057 | NR | Children and adolescents | 11 | Inpatient, outpatient | Ketogenic diet | The combined point estimate for the outcome of percentage of patients who became seizure-free, percentage of patients with a >90% and 50% reduction in seizures | Critically low | ||||||||
Keene et al, 200656 | NR | ≤18 y | 14 | NR | Ketogenic diet | Patients had become seizure-free, 50% reduction in seizure frequency | Critically low | ||||||||
Elliott et al, 201955 | HIC | 7–14 y | 6 | NR | Cannabidiol | Median frequency of monthly seizures with cannabidiol compared with placebo, Seizure freedom | Low | ||||||||
Cao et al, 201954 | NR | 0–18 yeas | 3 | NR | Adjunctive levetiracetam | 50% responder rate, seizure freedom | Moderate | ||||||||
Cancer | |||||||||||||||
Zabih et al, 202058 | LMIC | General | 12 | Community-based, inpatient, outpatient | Interventions to improve early detection of childhood cancer | Knowledge, detection, survival rates | Moderate | ||||||||
Coyne et al, 201637 | NR | 4-18 y | 0 | NR | Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision‐making | N/A | High | ||||||||
Indoor, outdoor and environmental contaminants | |||||||||||||||
Burns et al, 201946 | HIC, LMIC | General | 42 | Community-based | Measures addressing heating and cooking, industry, or a combination of different sources | Air quality outcomes | High | ||||||||
Campbell et al, 200047 | HIC | General | 65 | Community-based | Environmental awareness interventions | Air quality outcomes | Moderate | ||||||||
Nussbaumer-Streit et al, 202048 | HIC | 0-18 y | 5 | Homes | Educational interventions | Blood lead levels | High | ||||||||
Pfadenhauer et al, 201649 | HIC, LMIC | General | 7 | Homes | Environmental and educational interventions | Blood lead levels | Low | ||||||||
Quansah et al, 201751 | LMIC | General | 15 | Homes | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Air quality outcomes | High | ||||||||
Rosen et al, 201550 | HIC | General | 7 | Homes | Self-help materials; counseling; phone support; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); biochemical feedback; air cleaner; tobacco smoke air pollution feedback | Air quality outcomes | Moderate | ||||||||
Rosen et al, 201251 | HIC | General | 18 | Homes | Self-help materials, counseling, phone support, medication, biochemical feedback. | Parental smoking cessation | High | ||||||||
Thakur et al, 201853 | LMIC | General | 13 | Homes | Improved biomass cook stoves | Pediatric acute lower respiratory tract infections, pediatric severe pneumonia | High |
Domain . | Authors, year . | Region . | Age Range of Participants . | Number of Included Studies . | Platform of Delivery . | Intervention . | Outcomes . | Overall Quality Score AMSTAR (High, Moderate, Low, or Critically Low) . | |||||||
Asthma | |||||||||||||||
Zhong et al, 201727 | HIC | 0–19 y | 4 | School-based, outpatient | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Quality of life, pulmonary function | Moderate | ||||||||
Yorke et al, 200725 | NR | ≤18 y | 12 | Outpatient, home-based | Relaxation therapy | Pulmonary function | Low | ||||||||
Xu et al, 201624 | LMIC | 5–15 y | 3 | Outpatient, home-based | Massage therapy | Pulmonary function | High | ||||||||
Wu et al, 201723 | LMIC | Children | 14 | NR | Massage therapy | Effect on basic treatment, pulmonary function | Low | ||||||||
Su et al, 201822 | HIC, LMIC | 1–18 y | 6 | NR | IV magnesium sulfate | Asthmas-related hospitalizations, pulmonary function | Low | ||||||||
Rodrigo et al, 201721 | NR | 6–11 y | 3 | NR | Tiotropium | Pulmonary function | Moderate | ||||||||
Rodrigo et al, 201520 | NR | 1–20 y | 3 | NR | Omalizumab | Asthma exacerbations | Low | ||||||||
Rodrigo et al, 200536 | HIC, LMIC | 18 mo to 17 y | 32 | Inpatient, outpatient | Anticholinergic agents | Asthmas-related hospitalizations | Low | ||||||||
Riverin et al, 201535 | HIC, LMIC | 5–18 y | 3 | NR | Vitamin D supplementation | Asthma exacerbations | Moderate | ||||||||
Pojsupap et al, 201534 | HIC, LMIC | 5–18 y | 3 | NR | Vitamin D supplementation | Asthma exacerbations | Moderate | ||||||||
Mohammed et al, 200733 | HIC, LMIC | 1–18 y | 24 | NR | IV magnesium sulfate | Pulmonary function | Low | ||||||||
Mikailov et al, 201332 | HIC | 2–18 y | 12 | NR | Adjunctive macrolide use | Pulmonary function, decrease in daily corticosteroid dosage | Low | ||||||||
Lin et al, 201831 | HIC | 5–16 y | 11 | NR | Probiotics | Asthma exacerbations, symptom free days | Moderate | ||||||||
Kneale et al, 201930 | Majority HIC | 5–18 y | 34 | School-based | Educational intervention: self-management techniques | Frequency of emergency department visits, asthma-related hospitalizations | High | ||||||||
Harris et al, 201929 | Majority HIC | 5–18 y | 34 | School-based | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Frequency of emergency department visits, asthma-related hospitalizations | High | ||||||||
Guevara et al, 200328 | NR | 2–18 y | 32 | NR | Educational intervention; self-management techniques | Pulmonary function, frequency of emergency department visits | High | ||||||||
Fares et al, 201519 | NR | ≤ 18 y | 4 | Outpatient | Vitamin D supplementation | Pulmonary function | Moderate | ||||||||
Zhang et al, 202026 | Majority HIC | ≤18 y | 11 | NR | Physical therapy | Pulmonary function | High | ||||||||
Chan et al, 202018 | HIC | 0–18 y | 21 | Community | Community-based intervention | Asthma-related emergency department visits, asthma-related hospitalizations, days and nights with asthma symptoms short-acting asthma medication and bronchodilator use, asthma action plan uses | High | ||||||||
Rheumatic fever | |||||||||||||||
Lennon et al, 200960 | HIC, LMICs | 5–18 y | 6 | School-based, community-based | Penicillin | Primary prevention of RF with treatment using penicillin in school- and/or community-based programs | Low | ||||||||
Altamimi et al, 200959 | HIC | 1–18 y | 20 | Inpatient, outpatient | Newer antibiotics, short duration (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Cefuroxime) | Late clinical recurrence, early bacteriological treatment failure | High | ||||||||
Sickle cell disease | |||||||||||||||
Asnani et al, 201661 | Majority HIC | 6–18 y | 12 | School-based, outpatient, home | Psycho-educational intervention | Sickle cell disease knowledge | High | ||||||||
Rankine-Mullings and Owusu-Ofori, 201764 | Majority HIC | ≤16 y | 2 | Outpatient | Penicillin prophylaxis | Incidence of pneumococcal infection | High | ||||||||
Estcourt et al, 201762 | HIC | 2–20 y | 3 | Inpatient, outpatient | Long-term transfusions | Incidence of stroke, incidence of other sickle cell disease-related complications (acute chest syndrome), incidence of vaso-occlusive crises | High | ||||||||
Frimpong et al, 201863 | LMIC | Children | 6 | Inpatient, outpatient | Chemoprophylaxis (Chloroquine, Mefloquine, Mefloquine artesunate, Proguanil, Pyrimethamine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine amodiaquine) | Parasitaemia and/or clinical malaria episodes | Moderate | ||||||||
Saramba et al, 201965 | HIC | 3–21 y | 4 | Inpatient | Pharmacological analgesic | Change in rate of pain vaso-occlusive crises (as measured by pain scale) | Low | ||||||||
Type 1 diabetes mellitus | |||||||||||||||
Winkley et al, 200645 | HIC | Children and adolescents | 10 | Community-based | Psychological intervention | Change in HbA1c (%) | Low | ||||||||
MacMillan et al, 201444 | HIC, LMIC | 5–19 y | 10 | Outpatient | Physical activity and/or sedentary behavior intervention | Change in HbA1c (%) | Moderate | ||||||||
Hampson et al, 200142 | Majority HIC | 9–21 y | 14 | Outpatient, inpatient, community-based, home | Educational and psychosocial interventions | Change in HbA1c (%) | Moderate | ||||||||
Al Khalifah et al, 201639 | HIC | 6–19 y | 4 | NR | Adding metformin | Reduction of HbA1c (%), reduced BMI kg/m2, diabetes ketoacidosis | Moderate | ||||||||
Armour et al, 200440 | HIC | <18 y | 8 | Inpatient, outpatient, community-based | Family-directed interventions | Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | Low | ||||||||
Liu et al, 202043 | HIC, LMIC | 8–18 y | 12 | NR | Real-time continuous glucose monitoring | Short-term, medium-term, and long-term effect on HbA1c, Changes in diabetes self-efficacy | Moderate | ||||||||
Benkhadra et al, 201741 | HIC | 13–15 y | 7 | Outpatient | Structured education | Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) | Low | ||||||||
Epilepsy | |||||||||||||||
Rezaei et al, 201758 | HIC, LMIC | Children | 60 | NR | Ketogenic diet and modified Atkins diet | ≥50% seizure reduction in patients with intractable epilepsy | Critically low | ||||||||
Lefevre et al, 200057 | NR | Children and adolescents | 11 | Inpatient, outpatient | Ketogenic diet | The combined point estimate for the outcome of percentage of patients who became seizure-free, percentage of patients with a >90% and 50% reduction in seizures | Critically low | ||||||||
Keene et al, 200656 | NR | ≤18 y | 14 | NR | Ketogenic diet | Patients had become seizure-free, 50% reduction in seizure frequency | Critically low | ||||||||
Elliott et al, 201955 | HIC | 7–14 y | 6 | NR | Cannabidiol | Median frequency of monthly seizures with cannabidiol compared with placebo, Seizure freedom | Low | ||||||||
Cao et al, 201954 | NR | 0–18 yeas | 3 | NR | Adjunctive levetiracetam | 50% responder rate, seizure freedom | Moderate | ||||||||
Cancer | |||||||||||||||
Zabih et al, 202058 | LMIC | General | 12 | Community-based, inpatient, outpatient | Interventions to improve early detection of childhood cancer | Knowledge, detection, survival rates | Moderate | ||||||||
Coyne et al, 201637 | NR | 4-18 y | 0 | NR | Interventions for promoting participation in shared decision‐making | N/A | High | ||||||||
Indoor, outdoor and environmental contaminants | |||||||||||||||
Burns et al, 201946 | HIC, LMIC | General | 42 | Community-based | Measures addressing heating and cooking, industry, or a combination of different sources | Air quality outcomes | High | ||||||||
Campbell et al, 200047 | HIC | General | 65 | Community-based | Environmental awareness interventions | Air quality outcomes | Moderate | ||||||||
Nussbaumer-Streit et al, 202048 | HIC | 0-18 y | 5 | Homes | Educational interventions | Blood lead levels | High | ||||||||
Pfadenhauer et al, 201649 | HIC, LMIC | General | 7 | Homes | Environmental and educational interventions | Blood lead levels | Low | ||||||||
Quansah et al, 201751 | LMIC | General | 15 | Homes | Plancha, justa, and patsari stoves | Air quality outcomes | High | ||||||||
Rosen et al, 201550 | HIC | General | 7 | Homes | Self-help materials; counseling; phone support; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); biochemical feedback; air cleaner; tobacco smoke air pollution feedback | Air quality outcomes | Moderate | ||||||||
Rosen et al, 201251 | HIC | General | 18 | Homes | Self-help materials, counseling, phone support, medication, biochemical feedback. | Parental smoking cessation | High | ||||||||
Thakur et al, 201853 | LMIC | General | 13 | Homes | Improved biomass cook stoves | Pediatric acute lower respiratory tract infections, pediatric severe pneumonia | High |
HIC, high-income countries; KD, ketogenic diet; LMIC, low-and middle-income countries; MAD, modified Atkins diet; NR, not reported.
One review found significant improvements in the mean change from baseline in forced expiratory volume peak (FEV1) when comparing placebo with once-a-day long-acting anticholinergic tiotropium bromide bronchodilator; mean difference of 102 mL (95% CI, 66 to137 mL).21 Another systematic review reported significant reductions in hospital admissions in children treated with inhaled anticholinergic agents (RR 0.73, 95% CI, 0.63 to 0.85).36 A review looking at probiotics supplementation in children with asthma indicated significantly fewer episodes of asthma in the probiotics group compared with control (RR 1.3, 95% CI, 1.06 to 1.59).31 The pooled results also demonstrated that there was no significant difference between the 2 arms on the number of symptom-free days (MD 8.47, 95% CI, −4.8 to 21.75). Two reviews looked at vitamin D supplementation.19,35 The first found there was a reduced risk of asthma exacerbations in children receiving vitamin D (RR, 0.41, 95% CI, 0.27 to 0.63). A review investigated the adjunctive use of macrolides reported no significant change in FEV1 from baseline.
Approximately 50 million people suffer from epilepsy globally, with nearly 80% living in LMICs.67 With the appropriate use of antiepileptic medications, seizures can be controlled. Although low-cost treatments are available, nearly three-quarters of individuals living in LMICs will not receive the treatment they need.
Chronic Care
Three reviews examining the effects of Ketogenic “type” diets on seizures in children with epilepsy were identified, with variable evidence.56–58 Another review examined the efficacy of cannabidiol in reducing seizures among children with drug resistant epilepsy; the authors reported a statistically significant reduction in the median frequency of monthly seizures with cannabidiol compared with placebo, and an increase in the number of participants with at least a 50% reduction in seizures.55 A meta-analysis from another review suggested that adjunctive treatment with levetiracetam was more effective than placebo; RR (95% CI) for the 50% responder rate and seizure freedom rate were 1.98 (1.49 to 2.63) and 5.12 (2.09 to 12.51), respectively.54
Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease
Nearly 12 million people are affected by rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, taking more than 200 000 lives annually.68 Primary antibiotic prophylaxis is not only cost-effective, but it can successfully be implemented in resource-poor settings and is essential in limiting the progression of rheumatic fever to rheumatic heart disease.68–70 Programs focused on early detection and treatment are essential in improving outcomes for these preventable conditions.
We identified 2 reviews examining primary prevention of rheumatic fever. One review examined rheumatic fever prevention by treating streptococcal pharyngitis with penicillin in school- and/or community-based programs. The results of this meta-analysis reported (RR 0.41, 95% CI 0.23 to 0.70) favoring treatment.60 The second review looked at the comparable efficacy of new short-duration antibiotics (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, and Cefuroxime) compared with the standard duration of 10-day oral penicillin in treating children with acute group A β-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS) pharyngitis. The authors reported that 3 to 6 days of oral antibiotics had comparable efficacy to the gold standard 10-day penicillin regimen in areas with a high prevalence of rheumatic heart disease. These results should be interpreted with caution given the long-term risks of rheumatic fever and progressive heart disease without adequate treatment of GABHS. However, in countries with low rates of rheumatic fever, it appears safe and efficacious to treat children with acute GABHS pharyngitis with short duration antibiotics.59
Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease is a genetic condition in which individuals experience acute complications and progressive organ damage. Disease management and prevention programs are key in reducing the health burden and complications. We included 5 reviews examining sickle cell disease (SCD).
Prevention of Morbidities and Acute Complications
A Cochrane review examined interventions for patients and caregivers aiming to improve their knowledge and understanding of sickle cell disease and recognition of signs and symptoms of disease-related morbidity. Interventions were described as cognitive-based therapy or psychoeducation aimed to change knowledge, attitudes or skills, improve psychosocial aspects of the disease, as well as treatment adherence and health care utilization. Evidence showed that the educational programs improved patient’s knowledge (SMD 1.12 points, 95% CI, 0.72 to 1.52).61 A single trial reported on caregivers’ knowledge, which also showed an improvement (SMD 0.52 points, 95% CI, 0.03 to 1.00). A second Cochrane review examined the effects of prophylactic antibiotic regimens for preventing pneumococcal infection in children with sickle cell disease, with results favoring penicillin initiation (OR, 0.37, 95% CI, 0.16 to 0.86).64
One review reported moderate quality evidence that long-term red cell transfusions may reduce the risk of stroke in children at higher risk of stroke who have not had previous long-term transfusions.62 The use of malaria chemoprophylaxis (Chloroquine, Mefloquine, Mefloquine artesunate, Proguanil, Pyrimethamine, Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, or Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine amodiaquine) in children with SCD was evaluated by 1 review. The authors reported that antimalarial chemoprophylaxis generally provided protection against parasitemia and clinical malaria episodes in children with SCD. However, no difference between intervention and placebo group was noted for the risk of hospitalization, blood transfusion, vaso-occlusive crisis, and mortality.63 The efficacy of pharmacological analgesics used for the improvement of pain intensity and relief for acute pain crisis in pediatric patients with SCD was reported in 1 review, and showed no statistically significant differences and a lack of amelioration provided by pharmaceutical analgesics in the treatment group.65
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), also commonly referred to as juvenile diabetes, is an autoimmune disease that can occur at any age but tends to develop during childhood. Poor metabolic control can cause acute complications, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis, and chronic microvascular and macrovascular complications, which continue to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality.71–74 Adequate management includes self-care tools, self-management education, and access to insulin. However, in many countries and for disadvantaged families, access is limited.75
Chronic Care
Seven systematic reviews examining interventions aimed at care for type 1 diabetes were included.39–45 One review examined psychological interventions, which included supportive or counseling therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, psychoanalytically informed therapies, and family systems therapy. The authors reported the mean percentage of glycated hemoglobin was significantly reduced in children and adolescents who had received a psychological intervention compared with those in the control group with a pooled absolute reduction in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) of 0.48% (95% CI, 0.05 to 0.91; Supplemental Information). A systematic review of physical activity and sedentary behavior intervention studies reported significant reduction of HbA1c, indicating an improvement in glycemic control (MD −0.85%, 95% CI, −1.45 to −0.25). A review examining the effectiveness of adding metformin to insulin in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus for improving metabolic outcomes found metformin resulted in a modest decrease in the total daily dose of insulin, reduced body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2), and BMI z-score but was not superior to placebo in reducing HbA1c, lipid profile, and diabetic ketoacidosis events. A review of the effectiveness of family-directed interventions showed a pooled effect of −0.6 (−1.2 to −0.1) on HbA1c. One review found a statistically significant but a modest reduction in HbA1c with real-time continuous glucose monitoring interventions.
Childhood Cancers
Chronic Care and Curative Treatment
Cancer affects nearly 400 000 children and adolescents annually.76 The most common types of cancers include leukemia, brain and central nervous system tumors, and lymphomas.77 In HICs the survival rate is nearly 80%, while in LMICs it may be less than 30%. The lack of diagnosis, delayed diagnosis, obstacles to accessing care, and treatment abandonment all contribute to the avoidable deaths from cancer in LMICs.78 While treatment of cancers can include a variety of regimens, medications, surgery, and radiotherapy, timely diagnosis is simply the most crucial factor and the foundation for developing a treatment and management plan. We found it most appropriate to focus this section on reviews that examined interventions aimed at improving detection.
A recent systematic review examined interventions aimed at improving early detection of childhood cancers in LMICs. The review included 12 studies and interventions ranged from training programs for health care providers to national awareness campaigns and education on early warning signs and symptoms. Five studies reported statistically significant results postintervention in key clinical outcomes, such as decrease in extraocular spread of retinoblastoma, and decrease in refusal and abandonment rates of treatment and an increase in knowledge and awareness. Because of the heterogeneity of outcomes, meta-analysis was not possible, and the current quality of evidence is low.38 A 2016 Cochrane systematic review attempted to examine the effects of interventions for promoting participation in shared decision-making for children aged 4 to 18 with cancer, however no studies met the inclusion criteria.37
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution and Environmental Contaminants
No country is unaffected by pollution and shifts in globalization and rapid urbanization contribute to the rise of NCDs in LMICs as more people are exposed to indoor and outdoor pollution in densely packed cities.79,80 Environmental factors are a main preventable cause of NCDs. Ambient (outdoor) and household air pollution cause deaths from cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, and lung cancer.81 Women and children are disproportionately affected and are more often exposed to harmful smoke caused by cooking, heating, and lighting with unclean fuels and inefficient technologies.82 Sector policies and interventions that effectively address environmental causes of disease, eg, energy, housing, transport, and agriculture, and in settings such as cities, workplaces, and homes not only improve health outcomes, but have a positive impact on the climate and economy.80,83,84
Health Promotion
Much overlap was seen among the records identified from the respective searches on outdoor pollution, indoor pollution, and environmental contaminants. Overall, we identified 2 reviews examining the levels of nicotine concentration in ambient air and parental cessation programs,50,51 2 reviews focused on improved cook tops and stoves,52,53 2 reviews on preventing domestic lead exposure,48,49 1 review on interventions to reduce ambient particulate matter air pollution,46 and 1 review on environmental awareness interventions.47
One review reported that stand-alone targeted educational interventions showed no statistically significant reductions in children's blood lead levels when compared with general educational interventions. However, stand-alone environmental interventions appeared more effective in reducing blood lead levels. The authors suggest combining environmental and educational interventions and targeting multiple settings, which may have a greater effect in reducing blood lead levels, as suggested by 1 uncontrolled before-after study. A second review similarly found educational interventions were not effective at reducing blood lead levels in children, (MD −0.03, 95%CI, −0.13 to 0.07).
A systematic review on parental smoking cessation reported quit rates averaged 23.1% in the intervention group and 18.4% in the control group. Overall, while modest, the RR (95% CI) showed statistically significant improvement in quit rates in the intervention group compared with the control group, 1.34 (95% CI, 1.05 to 1.71). One review evaluated air pollution in homes as assessed by nicotine or particulate matter (PM), with a range of interventions; including self-help materials, counseling, phone support, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), biochemical feedback, air cleaner, and tobacco smoke air pollution feedback. Although interventions showed reduced tobacco smoke pollution (as assessed by air nicotine or PM) in homes, contamination still remained.
Two reviews examined household air pollution reductions with cook stove interventions. One review reported that at the household level there were improvements in daily personal average concentrations of particulate matter (SMD 1.18, 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.32) and carbon monoxide concentrations in kitchens (SMD 0.83, 95% CI, 0.68 to 1.00). Significant improvement in personal particulate matter was observed among children (SMD 1.26, 95% CI, 0.91 to 1.75). A second review examining the effect of improved biomass cook stoves on acute respiratory infections and severe pneumonia in children showed no demonstrable impact.
A Cochrane review assessing the effectiveness of interventions to reduce ambient air pollution and improve associated health outcomes reported 38 unique interventions with heterogeneity across interventions, outcomes, and methods. The interventions were implemented in countries across the world, but the majority (79%) were implemented in HICs. Included studies showed varying effects of the interventions on health outcomes. Given the heterogeneity, it was difficult to generate any overall conclusions regarding the effectiveness of interventions in improving air quality or health. A systematic review examining the effectiveness of environmental awareness interventions reported short-term improvements in awareness and knowledge in 13 out of 14 studies. The results suggest that a number of health promotion interventions can aid in increasing short-term public awareness and environmental health risks, specifically, ultraviolet radiation and environmental tobacco smoke.
Although many NCDs are caused by preventable factors, including poor diet, tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, and physical inactivity, many NCDs are not caused by modifiable factors, particularly those affecting children. Cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer, and diabetes are all leading causes of global mortality. The importance of addressing these and other NCDs is acknowledged in the Sustainable Development Goals, which call for measures to reduce mortality from NCDs by 2030. We conducted a comprehensive review of systematic reviews of interventions addressing high burden, neglected NCDs, providing an overview of existing evidence-based interventions. Much of the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions among school-aged children was conducted in high income settings and may not be easily extrapolated to LMICs. However, several intervention programs are not only feasible but also cost-effective in LMICs. An economic study from India estimated that public financing for both first- and second-line therapy and other medical costs alleviates the financial burden from epilepsy and is cost-effective across wealth quintiles.85 Primary antibiotic prophylaxis is not only cost-effective, but it can successfully be implemented in resource-poor settings. Investing in prevention and management of NCDs offers countries a higher return and contributes to economic growth for countries at all income levels.5
While evidence exists and we have identified several reviews highlighting interventions for school-aged children that improve outcomes, the bulk of these reviews only include evidence from a small number of studies with moderate to low quality evidence and a high level of heterogeneity with regards to participants, reported outcomes, and intervention characteristics. Most of the current literature on NCDs reports on mixed populations that includes both children and adults. A previous systematic review of systematic reviews on the state of evidence on acute asthma management in children included a total of 23 reviews; 8 included only children, and 15 included children and adults.
LMICs have long been burdened with malnutrition and infectious diseases. However, today LMICs are experiencing an increase in NCD burden.86,87 Air pollution was the second largest risk factor causing NCDs globally in 2016, just after tobacco smoking, and caused 5 million deaths from NCDs. NCDs caused by air pollution include heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer.81,82 Nearly 92% of pollution-related deaths occur in LMICs, and in countries at every income level, the diseases caused by pollution are most prevalent among minorities and marginalized groups.80 Three billion people, mainly living in LMICs, rely on polluting fuels for inefficient cooking, heating, and lighting technology, resulting in exposure to harmful smoke in their homes. Children are extremely vulnerable to even low-dose exposure to pollutants, especially during critical times of development in utero and in early infancy, which can result in disease and disability across the life course. Interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve air quality have great potential to protect individuals’ health and contribute to reducing the burden of NCDs.88 Ecuador’s national efficient cooking program aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing liquefied petroleum gas with renewable energy sources like hydroelectricity. The impact of the national efficient cooking program implementation estimates a reduction of 2.9 million tons carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) per year and total accumulative reduction of approximately 49 million tons CO2eq from 2012 to 2030.89,90
The current evidence does not enable determination of which interventions are the most effective and whether these interventions can be effectively delivered in LMIC settings. Targeting gaps in the literature could enhance the understanding of effectiveness of interventions, modes of delivery, and readiness for scale-up of these programs. Multicomponent and multisectoral approaches for addressing health and wellbeing are often the most effective. Approaches and efforts to confront NCDs should be embedded in public health programs, and primary care services should be made more readily accessible in schools or the community.
Our analysis has a number of potential limitations. We undertook a comprehensive literature search for published reviews to identify high-level evidence in peer-reviewed journals, and thus did not include unpublished reviews. A major limitation of the literature assessed is the high proportion of publications that do not report key information, such as the platforms involved in intervention delivery. We initially aimed to synthesize data in 2 separate age ranges: late childhood and school age (5–9.9 years) and early adolescence (10–14.9 years). However, it was not possible to disaggregate the findings by age group as most reviews reported on wide age ranges, which mostly combined these age bands. However, in the same respect, we came across reviews that included many studies with child and adolescent populations, however their meta-analyses also included populations with adults, and were therefore excluded. While our focus was on LMIC’s, the majority of reviews, 69% (33 reviews), included studies and data from high-income countries.
Our aim was to summarize the current base of systematic reviews focused on delivering NCD interventions to children and adolescents aged 5 to 19. However, our results had major limitations as we found significant gaps in the literature. Conditions like asthma and type 1 diabetes, which are well-studied and have well known standard of care regimens, are not necessarily represented in our results. Our results are not a reflection of the entirety of pharmacologic interventions that exist, nor representative of the effectiveness of all available medications used to manage the conditions included in this review. Our results are only a reflection of the reviews that exist, and more importantly, the significant gaps that do exist in the literature for so many well-studied conditions individually.
Although NCDs have their major impact on global mortality and morbidity in adulthood, they represent a considerable burden among children and adolescents, specifically mortality related to asthma, type 1 diabetes, leukemia, and rheumatic heart disease.91 Efforts to reduce their burden among children, adolescents, and into adulthood are essential. While some NCDs can be prevented through preventive measures, and lifestyle and behavioral modifications, conditions like congenital heart disease and type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented. Our review highlights the major gaps in the literature and our understanding of NCD prevention and management in LMICs, despite LMICs having the highest burden of NCDs and limited resources to manage them. While disparities in regard to access and quality of health care exist among HICs and LMICs, inequalities within countries and communities also determine the level and quality of care that children and adolescents receive. The limited quantity and quality of the evidence measuring effectiveness and associated health outcomes points to an urgent need for more robust evaluation of intervention effectiveness, as well as intervention delivery effectiveness, to improve the evidence base.
We thank Omar Irfan.
Dr Bhutta conceptualized and designed the study; Mr Vaivada conceptualized and designed the study and critically revised the manuscript; Ms Jain conceptualized and designed the study, screened the search results, screened the retrieved papers against the inclusion criteria, appraised the quality of papers, extracted the data, completed the data analysis, and drafted the initial manuscript; Ms Als conceptualized and designed the study, screened the search results, screened the retrieved papers against the inclusion criteria, appraised the quality of papers, extracted the data, completed the data analysis and drafted the initial manuscript; and all authors reviewed, revised, and approved the final manuscript as submitted and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
This systematic review has been registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews ( (identifier CRD42020219910).
FUNDING: This work was supported by a grant from the International Development Research Centre (#109010-001). The funder did not participate in the work. Core funding support was also provided by the SickKids Centre for Global Child Health in Toronto.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES: The authors have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.