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September 2012
ISSN 0031-4005
EISSN 1098-4275
Pediatrics Digest
Pediatrics Perspectives
Prospective Multicenter Study of Children With Bronchiolitis Requiring Mechanical Ventilation
Jonathan M. Mansbach, MD; for the MARC-30 Investigators; Pedro A. Piedra, MD; for the MARC-30 Investigators; Michelle D. Stevenson, MD
Maternal Multiple Micronutrient Supplements and Child Cognition: A Randomized Trial in Indonesia
Elizabeth L. Prado, PhD; for the SUMMIT Study Group; Katherine J. Alcock, DPhil; for the SUMMIT Study Group; Husni Muadz, PhD
Mortality and Clinical Outcomes in HIV-Infected Children on Antiretroviral Therapy in Malawi, Lesotho, and Swaziland
Mark M. Kabue, MPH; W. Chris Buck, MD; Sebastian R. Wanless, MBChB; Carrie M. Cox, MD; Eric D. McCollum, MD
anti-retroviral agents
hiv infections
Efficacy of Fat-Soluble Vitamin Supplementation in Infants With Biliary Atresia
Benjamin L. Shneider, MD; for the Childhood Liver Disease Research Education Network (ChiLDREN); John C. Magee, MD; for the Childhood Liver Disease Research Education Network (ChiLDREN); Jorge A. Bezerra, MD
biliary atresia
fat soluble vitamins
Comparison of Children Hospitalized With Seasonal Versus Pandemic Influenza A, 2004–2009
Dat Tran, MD; for the IMPACT investigators; Wendy Vaudry, MD; for the IMPACT investigators; Dorothy L. Moore, PhD, MD
The Association of Vitamin D Status With Pediatric Critical Illness
J. Dayre McNally, MD; on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group; Kusum Menon, MD; on behalf of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group; Pranesh Chakraborty, MD
Review Articles
State-of-the-Art Review Article
Special Articles
Quality Reports
Case Reports
From the American Academy of Pediatrics
Policy Statement
Circumcision Policy Statement
TASK FORCE ON CIRCUMCISION; Susan Blank, MD; Michael Brady, MD; Ellen Buerk, MD; Waldemar Carlo, MD
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