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January 2018
ISSN 0031-4005
EISSN 1098-4275
In this Issue
Selection of Abstracts From NCE 2016
Council on Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Program
Implementing Developmental Screening in Pediatric Primary Care: A New Hampshire Pediatric Improvement Partnership Learning Collaborative
Samantha A. House, DO, MPH; Molly O'Neil, BA; Josephine Porter, MPH; Alison Holmes, MD, MPH; Ardis Olson, MD
developmental screening
new hampshire
Improving Interdepartmental Handoff Communication Between the Medical, Anesthesia, and Surgical Teams to Prevent Patient Harm - A Quality Improvement Study
Jennifer Reese, MD; Katherine M. Lewandowski, MPH, CPHQ; Anne-Marie Rick, MD; Megan Brockel, MD; Ann Kulungowski, MD
handoff communication
quality improvement
Improving Outpatient Quality of Care for Children with Asthma by Adhering to National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (naepp) Guidelines
Nooralam Rai, MD; Aseel Al-Jadiri, M.D.; Hana Al-Harbi, M.D.; Cornelia Muntean, M.D.; Kathy Garrett-Szymanski, BS, RRT, AE-C
asthma, childhood
prevention program
quality of care
Outcome-based Continuing Education: A Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Family-centered Communication in Pediatrics
H. Shonna Yin, MD, MS; Ulfat Shaikh, MD, MPH; Eve Kimball, MD; Greg Randolph, MD, MPH; Kamila Mistry, MD
education, continuing
quality improvement
health literacy
Innovations in Obesity Prevention, Assessment and Treatment Forum
Body Fat, Abdominal Fat and Body Fat Distribution Related to Clustering of Risk Factors for Cvd in Children
Magnus Dencker, MD, PhD; Magnus Karlsson, MD, PhD; Per Wollmer, MD, PhD; Lars Andersen, PhD; Ola Thorsson, MD, PhD
body fat
body fat distribution
heart disease risk factors
Diet and Exercise Counseling for Underserved Pediatric Patients : developing an Obesity Prevention Curriculum for Pediatric Residents in an Urban Medicaid Clinic
Rebecca J. Locke, MD, FAAP; Jasmine Walia, MD; Jessica Schratter, MD; Aditya Chhikara, MD; Amr Elmeki, MD
internship and residency
Improving Access and Systems of Care for Evidence-based Childhood Obesity Treatment: Conference Key Findings and Next Steps
Stephen Cook, MD, MPH; Amanda Staiano, PhD; Myra Altman, PhD; Angela Lima, MBA, RD; William Dietz, MD, PhD
childhood obesity
evidence-based practice
system of care
Section on Hospital Medicine Program
Research in Progress: Mitigating the Inflammatory Response in Acute Pancreatitis with Appropriate Fluid Management; A Randomized Clinical Control Trial Comparing the Effects of Lactated Ringers and Normal Saline
Peter R. Farrell, MD, MS; Bryan Greenfield, MD; Michael Rogers, DO; Leslie Magida, MD; Rana Ammoury, MD
Council on Clinical Information Technology Program
The Love/hate Relationship of Tablets in Electronic Medical Records: A Usability Study of a Native Emr Application for Mobile Devices
Brandan P. Kennedy, MD, FAAP; Laura Fitzmaurice, MD, FAAP, FACEP; Y. Raymond Chan, MD, FAAP; Barbara Chaparro, PhD; Sarah D. Fouquet, PhD
electronic medical records
mobile devices
tablet dosage form
How an Automated System to Identify Children at Risk for High Radiation Exposure from Computed Tomography Can Be Used to Inform Research and Clinical Practice*
Daniel L. Lodwick, MD, MS; Jennifer N. Cooper, MS, PhD; Peter Minneci, MD, MHSc; Katherine J. Deans, MD, MHSc
child at risk
radiation exposure
Weight Entry Error Detection: A Web Service for Real-time Statistical Analysis
Stephen A. Spooner, MD, MS; Sarah Shields, PharmD; Judith W. Dexheimer, PhD; Cecilia M. Mahdi, MBA; Philip Hagedorn, MD
antipyretic therapy
body weight
breast feeding
discipline of nursing
Council on Early Childhood Program
Health Care, Family, and Community Factors Associated with Mental, Behavioral, and Developmental Disorders in Early Childhood — United States, 2011–2012
Georgina Peacock, MD, MPH, FAAP; Rebecca H. Bitsko, PhD; Joseph R. Holbrook, PhD, MPH; Reem Ghandour, DrPH; Lara R. Robinson, PhD
developmental disabilities
Council on Foster Care, Adoption, and Kinship Care Program
Poly-pharmacy Interdisciplinary Review Process: A Strategy for Psychotropic Medication Oversight
Lisa W. Zetley, Consulting Medical Director, Care4Kids Foster Care Medical Home Program, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Medical College of Wisconsin; Kelly Hodges, Consulting Medical Director, Care4Kids Foster Care Medical Home Program
pharmacy (field)
psychotropic drugs
Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention Program
Primary School Drop-off Zone Safety Analysis of Hazardous Road Conditions Utilizing Video Review*
Ibrahim Abdelshafy, MD; Jillian Savino, BA; Nathan A.M. Christopherson, RN, MSN, MBA, TCRN, CPEN, CEN, EMT-P; José M. Prince, MD
fluid flow
injury prevention
institutional review board
motor vehicles
A Safer Place to Ride: Regulations and Dnr Enforcement in Ohv Parks Increases Safety Behaviors
Charles A. Jennissen, MD; Jessica Waters, BS; Pam Hoogerwerf, BA; Gerene Denning, PhD; Karisa Harland, PhD
all-terrain vehicles
medical devices
middle-aged adult
natural resources
Youth-size Atv Seat Design: Variability and Lack of Consistent Changes in Vehicles Designated for Different Ages Demonstrates Need for Evidence-based Standardization
Charles A. Jennissen, MD; Claire Castaneda, Undergraduate; Alvin Long, Undergraduate; Gerene Denning, PhD
evidence-based practice
Council on School Health Program
Dancetricians: A Street Dance Intervention to Improve Physical Activity Self-efficacy and Motivation Among Urban Minority School Children
Claudia Lau, BA; Jerrald Goodloe; Janice Eatman-Williams; Rebecca Dudovitz, M.D. M.S.H.S; Susan Wentz, MD, MS
physical activity
self efficacy