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August 2019
ISSN 0031-4005
EISSN 1098-4275
In this Issue
Selection of Abstracts From NCE 2018
Council on Child Abuse and Neglect
Review of Tools for Measuring Exposure to Adversity in Children and Adolescents
Petra Jerman, PhD, MPH; Monica Bucci, MD; Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP; Debora L. Oh, MSc, PhD; Sukhdip K. Purewal Boparai, MPH
adolescent development
child at risk
death of parent
domestic violence
Evaluation of Long Bone Fractures in Infants for Non-Accidental Trauma: An Analysis of Physician Assessment and Documentation at a Tertiary Care Medical Center
Eman Abdel-latief, MD; Mary Jones, M.D.; Geoanna Bautista, M.D.; Danielle Brazel; Brianna Martinez
fracture, long bone
intentional trauma
Council on Clinical Information Technology
Exercise improves white matter connectivity in teenagers with increased fractional anisotropy values seen using diffusion tensor MRI.
Phua Hwee Tang, MBBS, FRCR; Masters of Medicine (Diagnostic Radiology); Qinglong Gu; Masters of Medical Physics
diffusion tensor imaging
white matter
Implementing Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances at a Tertiary Care Pediatric Hospital : Unanticipated Effects and Provider Perceptions
Laura Rust, MD MPH; Jenna Merandi, PharmD, MS, CPPS; Kasandra Chambers, PharmD; Sonya Sebastian, Pharm.D., BCACP; Leanne Murray, PharmD
controlled substances
What does the Internet say ? Evaluation of quality and readability of specific dietary recommendations for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Ligia Maria. Alfaro Cruz, MD; Robert J. Shulman, MD; Bruno P. Chumpitazi, MD, MPH; Isha Kaul, MD; Yan Zhang, MD
irritable bowel syndrome
Council on Injury, Violence & Poison Prevention
Council on Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Community Asthma Initiative: Cost Analyses Using Claims Data from a Medicaid Managed Care Organization
Urmi Bhaumik, MBBS, MS, ScD; Elizabeth R. Woods, MD, MPH; Mihail Samnaliev, PhD; Susan J. Sommer, MSN, WHNP-BC, AE-C; Ryan Lockridge, RN, MSHI
managed care organizations
Using modified sepsis criteria to improve specificity of standardized triage screening for pediatric severe sepsis and septic shock
Stephen Kong, DO; Arsenia Asuncion, MD; Maria Lyn Quintos-Alagheband, MD; Gabby Saadia, MD; Claudia Thomas, MD
sepsis, severe
septic shock
A Rush Collaboration: A Quality Improvement Project in a Resident Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Clinic in Development of Universal, System-wide Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences and Social Determinants of Health
Aaron Hart, MD; Varun Shetty, MD, MBA, MS; Jennifer McDonnell, MD; Robyn Golden, LCSW, MA, BA; Christopher Nolan, MPA
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Quality Tools Improved and Sustained Use of Asthma Action Plans for 3 years in a Primary Care Pediatric System
Karen Pletta, MD, FAAP; Megan Moreno, MD, MSEd, MPH; Gail S. Allen, MD, FAAP; Jeffrey Sleeth, MD, FAAP; Sanjeev Jain, MD, FAAP
asthma plan
electronic medical records
Improving Compliance in the Use of Medication Guardrails with “Smart” Infusion Pump Technology in the NICU.
Joseph D. Decristofaro, MD, FAAP; Marie Varela, M.S., Pharm.D., BCPS; Nurur Rahman, RPh, M.B.A.; Laura Flerx, MSNEd, RN, RNC-NIC, CCRN, IBCLC; Shanthy Sridhar, MD, FAAP
infusion pumps
neonatal intensive care units
Using the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to Reduce Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) Rates in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit by Improving Maintenance Bundle Compliance
Anisha Mazloom, MD; Katherine Steffen, MD, MHS; Andrew Palmquist, MSN, RN, NEA-BC; Margie Godin, MS, BSN, RN-BC; Derek Garnholz, MA
Section on Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Council on Early Childhood
Impacting Low-SES Caregiver Knowledge, Language Behaviors, and Infant Vocabulary Skills through a Web-Based Pediatric Primary Care Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Dana L. Suskind, MD; Christy Y.Y. Leung, Ph.D.; Alison C. Hundertmark, M.A.; Peter H. Ladner, B.A.; Kristin R. Leffel, B.S.
Council on Foster Care, Adoption & Kinship Care
Council on School Health
Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness
The Utility of Pupillary Light Reflex as an Objective Biomarker of Acute Concussion in the Adolescent Athlete
Olivia Podolak, MD; Christina L. Master, MD, CAQSM; Nabin Joshi, OD; Kenneth Ciuffreda, OD, PhD; Fairuz Mohammed, MS.
biological markers
brain concussion
pupil light reflex
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Identifies Differences in Cognitive Workload Following Pediatric Concussion Associated with Symptom Provocation
Christina L. Master, MD, CAQSM; Hasan Ayaz, PhD; Eileen P. Storey, BA; Lei Wang, Ms.; Olivia Podolak, MD
brain concussion
spectroscopy, near-infrared
Using a written, self-reported exercise history in a Pediatric Sports Medicine Clinic: A retrospective assessment of the utility of the written, self-report method, and analysis of collected pediatric exercise data.
Mara A. Tietzen BSc Kin, MD; Tommy D. Gerschman, MD, FRCPC, MSc (Sports Medicine, Exercise, and Health)
sports medicine
Innovations in Obesity Prevention
Setting Kids Up For Success: Outcomes of an Educational Family-Centered Support Group for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in a Pediatric Patient-Centered Medical Home
Josephine M. Cole, MSN, CRNP, RN, CPNP-PC; Cynthia Danford, PhD, CRNP, PPCNP-BC, CPNP-PC; Jane Weigel, BSN, RN
healthy lifestyle
knowledge acquisition
medical home
social support
support groups
The Healthy Weight and Your Child Collaborative: A Pilot Project to Improve Obesity-related Primary Care and Cultivate Clinic-Community Linkages for Pediatric Weight Management
Janice L. Liebhart, MS; Sandra G. Hassink, MD, MS, FAAP; Katherine H. Hohman, DrPH, MPH; Eileen Reilly, MSW; Jeanne Lindros, MPH
weight maintenance regimens
Pediatrics for the 21St Century
If you build it, will they come? Lessons learned from designing technology-enabled population health outreach for pediatric asthma
Andrew McWilliams, MD, MPH; Andrew Gunter, MD; Kelly Reeves, RN; Whitney Rossman, MS; Jonathan Phillips, MBA
asthma, childhood
population health
Geospatial Distribution of Pediatric Emergency Department and Urgent Care Patients’ Residences and Discharge Diagnoses after Hurricane Harvey
Sanemba A. Fanny, MD, MPH; Corrie E. Chumpitazi, MD, MSc; Abiodun Oluyomi, PhD; Elizabeth Camp, PhD; Kristy O. Murray, DVM, PhD
pediatric emergency medicine
urgent care