An 11-year-old previously healthy girl presents to the clinic with a lesion over her right thumb. Four weeks before presentation the patient received a splinter in her right thumb from the wood flooring of her back deck that was immediately removed with her fingernails. No additional wound care was required at that time. A raised lesion appeared 4 days after splinter removal. During the ensuing 4 weeks, the lesion enlarged and bled repetitively. She bandaged the lesion daily and washed her finger with regular soap and water. Our patient is right-handed, and function of her hand is not impaired. She has not sought medical advice elsewhere. The mother notes no associated fever or other lesions present. There are no recent sick contacts or travel history. All immunizations are up to date, including influenza. She did not receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Except for a daily multivitamin, there is no medication use....

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