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The Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit, 2nd Edition (referred to as the Toolkit), is the indispensable companion to the fourth edition of the Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents. The Toolkit contains the forms and handouts that health care professionals, as well as patients and families, need to carry out the health supervision visits and make them a productive and collaborative partnership to ensure the health and well-being of infants, children, youths, and families.


This second edition builds on the original Toolkit's system of integrated forms to streamline the health supervision visit. The forms and handouts reflect the content of the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition, to implement into clinical practice. All the forms and handouts are consistent with the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition, visit components and priorities, making clinical activities and anticipatory guidance messages consistent throughout.

Globally, this Toolkit facilitates enhanced surveillance of patient and family health and well-being with an expanded Anticipatory Guidance section, extensively revised Visit Documentation Forms, and educational handouts written in plain language to be clear and concise to patients and families. This Toolkit will be delivered via an enhanced online-access platform rather than on CD (as the original Toolkit was delivered).

The Toolkit has 2 main components.

Theses core forms function as an integrated system to help health care professionals and office staff easily and successfully implement Bright Futures recommendations for health supervision.

  • Bright Futures Previsit Questionnaire

  • Bright Futures Visit Documentation Form

  • Bright Futures Parent/Patient Educational Handout

  • Supplementary Bright Futures Visit Documentation Forms

    • Bright Futures Initial History Questionnaire

    • Bright Futures Medication Record

    • Bright Futures Problem List

    • Bright Futures Problem Visit form

  • Screening Tools

    • Bright Futures Medical Screening Reference Tables

    • Links to commonly used screening instruments and tools

  • Supplementary American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) educational handouts


The Previsit Questionnaire (PVQ) is a comprehensive surveillance tool that allows the health care team to gather pertinent information before the visit begins.

  • There is a PVQ for each health supervision visit from the First Week Visit to the 18 Through 21 Year Visits.

    • This Toolkit also includes a new parent PVQ for the 15 Through 17 Year Visits.

  • Each PVQ has been written in plain language to be clear and concise to patients and families.

  • As with the original PVQ, the revised version begins with asking the patient and/or the family what they want to talk about during the visit. This helps build the partnership between the patient/family and the health care professional as well as set the agenda for the visit.

  • Reflecting the strength-based approach integral to Bright Futures, each PVQ asks about what is going well with the patient and/or the family. By identifying protective factors that build family strengths and a family environment, the health care professional promotes optimal child and youth development.

  • The rest of the initial PVQ questions are similar to the original version (eg, special needs, major changes, new medical problems, smoking).

  • The PVQ asks the patient and/or the family if they have any concerns about growth and development, including a brief evaluation of the patient's milestones based on his or her age and stage of development.

  • Each PVQ incorporates risk assessment questions corresponding to the Bright Futures/AAP Periodicity Schedule selective screening recommendations.

  • Answers in either the middle column or the right-hand column require further appropriate action.

  • Additional universal screening recommendations for child development, autism spectrum disorder, maternal depression, and other issues occurs at some visits, as highlighted in the introductory text on individual PVQs.

    • Standardized, validated, scorable tools are not included in this Toolkit.

    • The Toolkit does include a list of links to commonly used screening instruments and tools.

    • NOTE: The AAP does not endorse any specific screening instrument or tool.

  • Regarding the Anticipatory Guidance section,

    • The revised PVQs incorporate questions that were previously part of the "Supplemental Tools" to streamline the surveillance process into one form.

    • Questions are organized by the 5 priorities in each visit, with questions grouped by specific topics within those priorities (eg, social determinants of health, safety, nutrition and feeding).

    • Response options are designed to help the health care professional quickly scan the form. Answers in the right-hand column highlight the health topics and concerns that require focused discussion.

    • The adolescent PVQs include a "Sometimes" option, recognizing that many of the anticipatory guidance topics in adolescence do not fit easily into "Yes" or "No."


The Visit Documentation Form is designed to be a convenient resource for documenting activities within a typical health supervision visit. The revised form is streamlined and aligned with the visit structure and recommendations in the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition. The revised form simplifies proper coding to help health care professionals secure appropriate payment for each visit's activities.

  • Fillable for electronic use and printing

    • Can also be printed and filled in, by hand, during the health supervision visit

    • Includes space for practice's nameplate imprint

  • Can be adapted for use in electronic health record (EHR) systems

  • Conforms to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services documentation guidelines to support evaluation and management coding

    • Additional elements may be needed to meet each state's requirements.

  • Reduces duplication of information by extensively referencing other key components from the other newly revised documentation products (ie, Initial History Questionnaire, Problem List, Problem Visit form, Medication Record)

  • Increases emphasis on psychosocial aspects of the patient's social and family history, with space for results, concerns, and observations

  • Provides check boxes for medical history and development, with space for results, concerns, and observations

  • Provides check boxes for review of systems, physical examination results, and assessment, with space for additional findings, comments, and observations

  • Provides check boxes for the patient's plan, with space for additional findings, results, and observations

  • Provides a summary of anticipatory guidance for each visit

  • Have been peer-reviewed by representatives from the Bright Futures Steering Committee and the AAP Committee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine


These educational handouts are a handy tool for patients and their families. The forms and handouts reflect the content of the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition, to implement into clinical practice.

  • Parent handouts are available for each visit, from the First Week Visit through the 17 Year Visit.

  • Patient handouts are available from the 7 Year Visit through the 21 Year Visit.

  • Each handout is written in plain language to ensure the information is clear, concise, relevant, and easy to understand.

  • Each handout is organized around the 5 priorities in each visit to help guide anticipatory guidance discussions and reinforce key messages for patients and their families.

  • Many handouts include important phone numbers and helpful Web sites, such as those for car safety, Poison Control, and intimate partner violence.

  • The handouts from the First Week Visit through the 4 Year Visit include a preview of the topics that will be covered at the next health supervision visit.

  • The child passenger safety information has been updated to reflect the 2018 "Child Passenger Safety" AAP policy statement.

The Bright Futures core tools are the foundation of your work with your patients and their families in each visit. Build on these tools with the supporting materials, which also align with the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition. These materials will enrich each visit by helping the health care team expand the ability to document what happens during the visit, screen and assess patients and families, and provide vital educational guidance.

  • Bright Futures Medication Record provides space for documenting the medication name, dosage, frequency, date prescribed, duration, and indication of use. The design allows for additional pages to be added over time and is easily adaptable to long-term or immediate medications.

  • Bright Futures Problem Visit form is designed to provide health care professionals with the resource they need to appropriately document activities within problem-focused and acute illness visits, support appropriate coding, and secure appropriate payment for their activities. As evaluation and management coding specifies the number of systems and details of data elements that must be present to justify the various levels of payment, this revised form has been pre-populated with a review of systems and common physical examination findings to streamline documentation.

  • Bright Futures Problem List allows users to clearly document the onset date for chronic and acute problems, as well as the date the issue is resolved. Substantial space is allotted for description making it easy to reference and establish patterns in a patient's health status.

The Visit Documentation Form is also supported by the Bright Futures Initial History Questionnaire, which provides families the opportunity to inform their health care professional of a more complete family history for their children. The form is robust, addressing a number of different areas, including improved information on household structure, perinatal risk factors, birth history, general health issues, biological family history, and pediatric-specific past medical history for the child. The Family History section is alphabetized for easy review. It features check boxes with space for explanation.

These tables are an easy-to-use reference for the universal and selective screening recommended for each Bright Futures health supervision visit. Each table provides the relevant medical history risk factors for a screening, risk assessment questions to ask for selective screening, and the action to take if the risk assessment shows a positive result.

At selected visits, Bright Futures recommends universal screening for issues such as child development, maternal or adolescent depression, substance use, or oral health. A number of screening tools have been developed and are commonly used. This revised Toolkit provides a list of links to tools for use at specific Bright Futures visits, as well as screening and assessment tools, for use at the discretion of the health care team. The AAP does not approve nor endorse any specific tool for screening purposes. This table is not exhaustive, and other screening tools may be available. For best results, it is recommended that users review available instruction manuals before administering, scoring, and analyzing results of the scoring tools. Links provided for these commonly used tools go to the author or the owner (or both) of the specific tool to ensure accessibility to the most up-to-date version of the specific tool. Review and comply with any copyright and permissions requirements before use.

These educational handouts have been specifically selected to accompany each health supervision visit to support the health care team's anticipatory guidance, education, and counseling. These resources provide detailed how-to information, drawn from trusted sources, on many topics that may be relevant to a patient of a particular age. Use them to enhance and enrich the Bright Futures Parent/Patient Educational Handouts, which focus on the 5 priorities for each visit.

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