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Caring for Children With ADHD: A Practical Resource Toolkit for Clinicians, 3rd Edition

William Zurhellen, MD, FAAP; Herschel R. Lessin, MD, FAAP; Eugenia Chan, MD, MPH, FAAP; Carla Counts Allan, MS, PhD; Mark Wolraich, MD, FAAP; Eli Sprecher, MD, MPP; Steven W. Evans, PhD

Most children with ADHD have their first encounter for care within their primary clinician’s practice—their “medical home.” 

These tools help you prepare for that encounter and beyond: readying your staff, screening, diagnosis, treatment, ongoing follow-up, and negotiating insurance payments for every step your patients need.


The next edition of the American Academy of Pediatrics ADHD Toolkit is in development, and we would like to hear from you!

Your response to this 8-question survey will help us better understand how the third edition of this resource serves your practice, how we can improve the resource for the fourth edition, and what new tools can be created to help you care for children with ADHD.

Take the Survey


Quick Links: Clinical Practice Guideline | Preparing Your Practice | Initial Patient Intake | Comprehensive Assessment | Vanderbilt Rating Scales | Treatment and Follow-up

Editors’ Statements and Clinical Practice Guideline

Preparing Your Practice

Initial Patient Intake

Comprehensive Assessment—Adding History, Doing the Evaluation, and Coming to Diagnoses

Vanderbilt Rating Scales
Comorbidity Assessment
Collaborative Communication with Patients, Parents, Teachers, and Others

Initiating Treatment and Managing Follow-up

Behavioral Interventions
Educational Interventions
Getting Family Buy-In 
Monitoring as a Strategic Plan 


For more information about this toolkit, or to purchase, please visit


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